If you or anyone you know would like to get together in West Michigan on February 10 for a dinner hosted by K Group Companies (https://www.kgroupcompanies.com/) where local Epicor / Kinetic users meet up to discuss all things ERP (or whatever @hkeric.wci and @utaylor take the conversation), please feel free to reply to this thread or DM me and I will send an invite.
It’s all about getting to know each other better, continuing our conversations, and diving into anything Kinetic-related that comes up. In other words, have some fun!
We’d love for you to join us for a relaxed evening of great conversation, networking with fellow Kinetic users, and enjoying a delicious meal.
Thank you to everyone who attended our 7th Kinetic users gathering! It was great connecting with everyone once again.
A big thanks to K Group Companies and Barracuda for being our host. This time the topic may not have focused specifically on Epicor however, everything we all touch every day impacts cyber security and requires technical expertise to keep everything running. The presentation was very informative.