Calling a report process from VB

Did anyone get this figured out? I am trying to figure out how to get job parts to work and I think if I can get the print tags button on the job parts screen, I can maybe do it. I do not know VB or much about programming and how Vantage works behind the scenes, so if someone can explain in detail, I would appreciate it.

--- In, "bpbuechler" <pbuechler@...> wrote:
> We are struggling with the same thing.
> The oTrans and _Column seems to be declaring the default values that
> are not part of the transaction, but are required for the row to
> update the db.
> Any luck on your end?
> Thanks
> Patty Buechler
> --- In, "Michael McWilliams"
> <mmcwilliams22@> wrote:
> >
> > The report that you are calling has multiple paramters that are
> > input based on the form that you are printing it from. RQ will pass
> > the launch form options to the MTLtags form. This report is not
> > only called from Report quantity screen. If you can figure out the
> > launch form options correctly for this report let me know. You
> first
> > have to notify the MTLtags form of what process is calling it &
> then
> > pass the correct parameters. I could not get it to work the right
> > way. I had it almost working the way I wanted by copying items to
> > the clipboard on the button click and then pasting them into the
> > fields on MTLtags after loading the form.
> > --- In, "greg.deterding"
> > <greg.deterding@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm trying to call the Print Tags report screen from a button in
> > MES
> > > Report Qty similar to the button that is already on there. I'm
> > using:
> > >
> > > ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(oTrans, "Epicor.Mfg.UIRpt.MtlTags")
> > >
> > > It will load but I'm getting an error: "Index was outside the
> > bounds
> > > of the array." Its also not passing the RQ.CurrentQty data to the
> > > ReportParam.QtyPer field which would be nice but not crucial.
> > >
> > > Is calling a report screen like this doable with a customization?
> > Any
> > > thought?
> > >
> > > thanks,
> > >
> > > Greg
> > >
> > > greg.deterding@
> > >
> >
I'm trying to call the Print Tags report screen from a button in MES
Report Qty similar to the button that is already on there. I'm using:

ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(oTrans, "Epicor.Mfg.UIRpt.MtlTags")

It will load but I'm getting an error: "Index was outside the bounds
of the array." Its also not passing the RQ.CurrentQty data to the
ReportParam.QtyPer field which would be nice but not crucial.

Is calling a report screen like this doable with a customization? Any



The report that you are calling has multiple paramters that are
input based on the form that you are printing it from. RQ will pass
the launch form options to the MTLtags form. This report is not
only called from Report quantity screen. If you can figure out the
launch form options correctly for this report let me know. You first
have to notify the MTLtags form of what process is calling it & then
pass the correct parameters. I could not get it to work the right
way. I had it almost working the way I wanted by copying items to
the clipboard on the button click and then pasting them into the
fields on MTLtags after loading the form.
--- In, "greg.deterding"
<greg.deterding@...> wrote:
> I'm trying to call the Print Tags report screen from a button in
> Report Qty similar to the button that is already on there. I'm
> ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(oTrans, "Epicor.Mfg.UIRpt.MtlTags")
> It will load but I'm getting an error: "Index was outside the
> of the array." Its also not passing the RQ.CurrentQty data to the
> ReportParam.QtyPer field which would be nice but not crucial.
> Is calling a report screen like this doable with a customization?
> thought?
> thanks,
> Greg
> greg.deterding@...
We are struggling with the same thing.
The oTrans and _Column seems to be declaring the default values that
are not part of the transaction, but are required for the row to
update the db.

Any luck on your end?

Patty Buechler

--- In, "Michael McWilliams"
<mmcwilliams22@...> wrote:
> The report that you are calling has multiple paramters that are
> input based on the form that you are printing it from. RQ will pass
> the launch form options to the MTLtags form. This report is not
> only called from Report quantity screen. If you can figure out the
> launch form options correctly for this report let me know. You
> have to notify the MTLtags form of what process is calling it &
> pass the correct parameters. I could not get it to work the right
> way. I had it almost working the way I wanted by copying items to
> the clipboard on the button click and then pasting them into the
> fields on MTLtags after loading the form.
> --- In, "greg.deterding"
> <greg.deterding@> wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to call the Print Tags report screen from a button in
> > Report Qty similar to the button that is already on there. I'm
> using:
> >
> > ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(oTrans, "Epicor.Mfg.UIRpt.MtlTags")
> >
> > It will load but I'm getting an error: "Index was outside the
> bounds
> > of the array." Its also not passing the RQ.CurrentQty data to the
> > ReportParam.QtyPer field which would be nice but not crucial.
> >
> > Is calling a report screen like this doable with a customization?
> Any
> > thought?
> >
> > thanks,
> >
> > Greg
> >
> > greg.deterding@
> >