Calendar in Vantage 803.408B

Set up as many finite (8hr x 5 day calendar) resources UNDER your resource group as needed to reflect your crew. (Resource groups are inherently infinite. Calendar is only for IDing infinite scheduled overloads. Resources can be finite or infinite.)
You'll likely have to capacity model both your equipment AND people as logical resource groups (and finite resources).
Then set up easily reused (in methods) Standard Ops with the equipment as primary detail and crew limits as secondary. (Crew groups capable of operating the equipment). Sometimes you need 3 details in a Std OP to really model your constraints.
Keep it as simple as possible though (and for sanity, have the Std OPs coded/named in ways that are aligned with your equipment or assy lines).
Not a benefit to overcomplicate as you'll create job for life to keep model current to changing realities (and scheduler has glitches anyway).
Just try to get a model that schedules 'good enough' for your needs (as human variation & equipment issues make it impossible to perfectly model a complex mfg environment anyway).

--- Original Message ---
From:"Sharon Woodall" <sharonwoodall56@...>
Sent:Mon 12/7/09 8:47 pm
Subj:[Vantage] Calendar in Vantage 803.408B

Anyone know how to tell the system the size of your manufacturing crew per resource group. Need to drive more than 40 hours capacity in a 8 hour work day, 5 days a week shift. Help!

Sharon Woodall
AIM Aviation

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Anyone know how to tell the system the size of your manufacturing crew per resource group. Need to drive more than 40 hours capacity in a 8 hour work day, 5 days a week shift. Help!

Sharon Woodall
AIM Aviation

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