Calculated Field Help

When I created a Calc field, there is not data in the field. I am linking Order Rel and Ship Dtl, so in the cases that we have not shipped anything, there is no data.

My calculated field: OrderRel.OurReqQty - ShipDtl.OurInventoryShipQty, so when 100 - NULL = blank. How can I get it so that 100 - NULL = 100

use a case statement to account for the null case

when ShipDtl.OurInventoryShipQty is null then OrderRel.OurQty
when ShipDtl.OurInventoryShipQty is not null then OrderRel.OurQty-ShipDtl.OurInvenoryShipQty

Since you can have multiple shipments on each Release, you will want to
Summarize the ShipDtl table.

OrderRel.OurReqQty - Total(ShipDtl.OurInventoryShipQty +


Brian M. Garver

Perhaps I should of stated that I am trying to do this in a BAQ. I understand about the Total as well.
I get a syntax error using the case statement.

when ShipDtl.OurInventoryShipQty Is Null then OrderRel.OurReqQty
when ShipDtl.OurInventoryShipQty Is Not Null then OrderRel.OurReqQty - ShipDtl.OurInventoryShipQty

Also tried

when Is Null (ShipDtl.OurInventoryShipQty) then OrderRel.OurReqQty
when Is Not Null (ShipDtl.OurInventoryShipQt) then OrderRel.OurReqQty - ShipDtl.OurInventoryShipQty

I was using the IsNull incorrectly. This worked.

if IsNull(ShipDtl.OurInventoryShipQty) then OrderRel.OurReqQty
else OrderRel.OurReqQty - ShipDtl.OurInventoryShipQty

might have been e10 syntax I was using, sorry. Glad you got it working