Calculated Field - Data Directive BPM?

I am looking for the easiest way to make a calculated field which is the sum of two extended UD fields. The two extended UD fields will be entered on QuoteDtl via Quote Entry. I need the field in the database, can’t just sum in SSRS.

I tried an in-transaction data directive to set the field, but for some reason I can’t reference the UD fields in the expression. Would prefer a solution which doesn’t involve using custom code.

Seems like it should be an easy task, am I missing something?

Why can’t you use a Data Directive? You can reference the fields like so

Ah, I was trying to just click on the UD fields like the system fields instead of referencing them like you are.

I do get the following error when I click validate for the BPM. But it still works when I tested it. Any issue with that?

Thanks much for the help!