Calculate Global Scheduling Order fails to apply SchedSeq to some jobs

We are rescheduling all jobs overnight, using Calc Global Scheduling Order and Global Scheduling processors, with MultiJob enabled.

However, some jobs fail to get rescheduled. The jobs failing to reschedule all have a 0 value in JobHead.SchedSeq. So I assume the issue is in the Calculate Global Scheduling Order process.

Can anyone shed some light on possible causes? Or better yet point me to some decent documentation. The technical reference guide is very light on detail.

Are those jobs Locked?

Are those jobs 'in progress" as in, do any of them have labor or materials issued to them, either manually or automatically?

And to build on that, is your setting at the Company set to reschedule started operations?

Company is a set to reschedule started operations, load is relieved by hours and no, the jobs are not schedule locked.

Some jobs have materials issued and operations started, some do not.

No, not qty or schedule locked

Yes, some in progress, but I have company config set to reschedule started operations checked.

Yes, some have materials issued, primarily through the fulfillment workbench

Have you run the calculate scheduling order with a verbose log to see what is says about those jobs?

Yes it is, with load relieved by hours

Yes, but the I can’t find any reference to the jobs in the logs

Found this on EpicWeb - Knowledge Page - EpicCare (
IT has an interesting formula that might help you determine what’s going on.

(Calc Hrs EarlyLate -99,999) * Scheduling Factor = Calc Scheduling Priority

I had issues in the past with non firm jobs…