Calc_CustPartOpts in QuotForm RDD (Abandoned the need for this)

In the QuotForm RDD there is a Calculated Field under QuoteHed datasource named: Calc_CustPartOpts. Does anyone know what that does?

In the stock RDL for the quote form, there is a formula for the Part Number field that uses the Calc_CustPartOpts to determine what to display.

	or Fields!Calc_CustPartOpts.Value ="N" 
	or Fields!Calc_CustPartOpts.Value = "S" 
	or IsNothing(Fields!XPartNum.Value) 
	or Len(Fields!XPartNum.Value) = 0, 
Fields!PartNum.Value, Fields!XPartNum.Value)

The field is only 1 character long, and we know it can be an “N” or an “S”, based off of the query above. Looking through the various Quote Forms that I have printed out this morning, that field is also set to an “M” on occasion. There may also be other potential values that I have not come across yet.

Does anyone know what the data behind that Calculated field represents? Where it comes from?

EDIT: I found where that field is defined: Customer.CustPartOpts

It is defined as:

Determines print options for any customer parts related to this customer.

M = Main Part Reference (Default)
S = Secondary Part Reference
O = Only Part Reference Printed
N = Customer Part Not Printed

I still can’t find where it is set in the Customer Maintenance screen though :thinking:

EDIT AGAIN: Found it in Cust Part Cross Reference.