I know there is a way to do this but I forget how. I’m troubleshooting a problem with Quote module and I’d like to open the BASE form plus disable any BPMs that may trigger on Quote, Customer, Part, etc.
I think it’s a slash switch on launching the Epicor client but I can’t remember.
I have always done this by launching the form in developer mode, using base, after disabling all related BPMs. This can sometimes be a headache. Hopefully, someone does reply and there is a nice and handy command-line switch for this.
(Nathan your friendly neighborhood Support Engineer)
In your appserver’s web.config, search for customizationSettings disabled="false"
change it to customizationSettings disabled="true"
That will prevent any BPMs from triggering, along with other Epicor Customization Framework (ECF) items like posting rules I believe. After your testing remember to change it back.
(Nathan your friendly neighborhood Support Engineer)
It is a different process. To eliminate BPMs in E905 you’d have to rename the \epicor905\bpmexec\ [slot]BPM where slot is the name of the appserver in question. eg. \epicor905\bpmexec\TestBPM