Is it possible to buy a single part that is used in multiple jobs on a single purchase order using multiple lines and then receive the quantity required for each job against the lines? I assume I have to identify it some how?
Does Buy To Order on the part work for that? Not sure if it will give you one PO though.
@PleaseassistmeRG If you have separate PO suggestions for each job and Split PO line is set for the part class and each job’s material has a different comment IE job number then I think it will make one PO with different lines or releases.
On the PO RELEASE you can specify which job each release is for… so you could create a SINGLE LINE PO, with Three Releases, each pointing to a different job. This way, your supplier will only have one line to fulfill, but you will be able to receive it to each job independently. You can also schedule each release separately as well (or have them all scheduled for the same date). All three releases MUST have the same price because they belong to the same LINE.
You can create three LINES on the PO, each with one release. Each release would still point to each appropriate job number. The one big advantage to this is that the three items can have three different prices.