Buyers Workbench

We have not used Buyer WorkBench for RFQ processing in the past. We currently have a need to start to use the RFQ process and the Buyers Workbench is the best place to process these RFQ’s. It appears we have quite a few old legacy RFQ requests that have been ignored over the years that now appear in the suggestions list. Does anyone know of a way to turn them off so to speak? I can make them go away 1 by 1 by opening the Quotes/Lines and material lines and un-selecting the RFQ Required flag but that would be time consuming for 100’s of old suggestions.


I would think you could just close the old RFQs you don’t need anymore.

Thanks but the RFQ’s aren’t generated, just the suggestion (in the workbench) that they be generated. I don’t want to have the old suggestions show up anymore.

oh then yes you may have to uncheck those check boxes. You may be able to do it with DMT.

Well…. we don’t have DMT so that is out. Tried an updateable dash board but the BO prohibits changing the state of the “RFQ Required” flag when the quote line is engineered. There should be a way to ignore/dismiss suggestions???


are these in the past? can you run PO Suggestions not to allow historical dates?

I have opened a support ticket trying to get more information on the RFQ process as my previous post describes. The support people keep asking me about PO suggestions so I don’t think they have ever looked at the Buyer Workbench or certainly are not up to speed on the RFQ process. It appears the RFQSugg table holds the values displayed on the Buyer Workbench. One would assume these are refreshed somehow. I went into a quote which showed up on the workbench and the material in the methods did not have the rfq checkbox checked (problem #1) . I then deleted the material requirement in it’s entirety and ran generate suggestions, it is still in the table. Does anyone understand the RFQ process? I am getting nowhere with support.

Thanks all.

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Not allowing historical dates does not seem to impact the suggestions data. I have resorted to going in and removing the RFQ required flags for the offending quotes manually. I would like to resolve this however as it seems to be a flaw in the functionality. The entire process is not well documented also the suggestions actually get removed from the RFQSugg table when an RFQ is completed so any form of analysis is difficult and requires developing a whole series of UD fields/record.

the data in the suggestion table gets recreated every time you run MRP or PO Suggestions. I have had people in the past that want to do analysis on this table and it is not easy and try discourage them. The RFQ will get removed from the Suggestion once actioned on…that is by design and you want it to happen. Suggestions are only that suggestions that you need to look at something. IF you make changes that suggestion will change or go away.

What kind of analysis are you trying to get from the Suggestions table?

Did you uncheck the RFQ’s on the Quotes that were old and not needed?

I did end up un-checking the RFQ boxes, much to my dismay. It did resolve the immediate issue with the suggestion list. As far as analytics we want to track response time of our buyers as well as suppliers in turning around RFQ’s. We also want to analyze pricing provided by supplier for various commodities. I am digging into the process within Epicor a bit more. We have been on Epicor for over 20 years and never really utilized this feature. We had visions of using Supplier Relationship Manager years ago but never implemented. We actually have a license for the Supplier portal which I believe is still functional.
I will keep digging into the RFQ piece and see if I can get what we need out of it. We have been using an external home grown app to track this activitiy but to get what I need we would have to overhaul it and I would prefer to use Epicor if possible.

Thanks for the insight.

tracking the response time is not easy and a real pain in my opinion.