Buyer's WorkBench/PO Suggestions

A question to anyone who uses the Buyer's Workbench...
Our Purchasing people have a heck of a time with the suggestions they get with Vantage. We are a custom shop, so we don't have or want
to keep much inventory on hand and for the most part, buy to the requirements for jobs/Sales Orders. What happens is, they get requirements for a S.O. which has several scheduled ship dates, place a PO to cover the raw material and/or purchased parts, then they'll get a bunch of suggestions for every one of the items. One suggestion will say to reduce the PO, another will say to reschedule, then they'll get several suggestions to re-order on different days - and it boils down to - they were covered with the PO and no action is needed. Sifting through this day after day is making them crazy. I understand why it does this (it's trying to match every requirement to each individual receipt), but we were
wondering if anyone has figured out a better method to manage it? Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Julie Lehmann
Mercury Minnesota Inc.

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