We are having an issue with Buyer Workbench. We select a buyer and it pulls in PO’s for multiple parts
that should be routed to other buyers. I have checked part classes (In part maintenance and on the PO’s and they are correctly calling out the other buyers. What hierarchy (besides part class) exists that is messing this up for us?
In Part Maintenance, on the Sites tab, you can specify a Buyer right where you specify a Supplier.
That filed is empty. By design we never populate that and use the Part Class to govern the buyer.
I have checked on the parts ordered on the Po’s in question and that field is blank.
The only other place I know of (at least out of the box) where you can default a Buyer ID is the Operation (for subcontract operations). You might want to check to see if there is a customization or BPM causing this.,
I think you can on Part Class too.
Thanks fellas. I have narrowed this down to the PO suggestions populating the wrong buyer on the PO.
Not sure exactly how but my PO’s in question have the wrong buyer called out. That is not something we change. We go from PO suggestions to a PO.
PO suggestions (I believe) default to the buyer on the part/sites tab. You can change the buyer name when creating the PO through PO Suggestions.
And here are selection steps from an (old) answerbook, I think they still apply:
- If subcontract check if a Buyer is specified on the Operation Master
- Then check if a Buyer is specified on the part master → Site sheet (Plant) .
- Then check if a Buyer is specified on on the Part Class
- Then check for the “System” Buyer in Buyer Maintenance.
- If a BuyerID is blank on PO Suggestion , all users should be able to see that suggestion.