We have been on Epicor for 8 months and the Buy To Order process was a mess when we started. I’m fearful that I have BTO parts received in my system, with that hidden lock of BTO that have not been shipped with their linked sales orders.
I know I have some sales orders that were shipped using a different lot, so this material is still showing available, when it really isn’t.
Is there a BAQ or something I can run to see how many time bombs are sitting out there like this?
Even further, is there a way to unlock those parts to be used for normal sales order shipments going forward?
By “BTO”, do you mean NonStock parts… and some were received to inventory?
If that is all that is going on,
you could try querying PartBin for any parts with PartPlant.NonStock = true.
You should be able to manually issue/ship those parts… ( I believe MRP ignores NonStock inventory when considering new demand ).
Hi Bruce,
I had some stocked material that was linked from a PO to an SO. The material was received into stock, say Lot 123. That material only wants to be used for that SO it was linked to.
The SO was shipped, but using material from a different lot, say Lot 456. If I try to ship a different SO using Lot 123, it won’t let me.
I’m trying to find a way to find the linked material that is sitting in stock looking like ‘available’ material, when it really isn’t.
OK gotcha… definitely a brain teaser.
Off the top of my head, a wild guess, wondering if you it would be identify dormant inventory related to the table.fields below . and if so, maybe address thru Fulfillment Workbench?
I’ve never had to mess with lots like this (serial numbers, definitely).
I see there is a Lot Tracker and even a Lot Entry screen (I had to open-with to see the entry screen). Neither references a PO like the serial tracker does, but the tracker does show transaction history.
We have had this happen in the past too, but not lot tracked. A couple of thoughts… Part Advisor used to show these “in limbo” parts for us… does it show one that you know of? Also, when we couldn’t use the part that was setup BTO but received into stock, it was usually associated with a message that the part was allocated. Are you getting a message like that when you go to use it? If so, clearing out the material request queue (prod mgmt / data collection / gen operations / material request queue) would free the part up for our use, since we don’t use the queue and we do not use allocations.
I’ve been stumbling down that path, but I don’t think it will help me find the remnants that are out there. I may have to do more testing in Pilot and see exactly what the system is doing.
I don’t have a clear way of knowing when it latches onto a linked PO/SO combo to where that material won’t show as allocated, but won’t allow it to be used for other orders either.
Yeah, I’m trying to work off of those. Maybe build something that shows the material still in stock, but the associated sales order is closed? That may get me parts that are still in the system, but not shipped to their associated SOs.
Thanks for the advice, Nancy. I’m going to try and work in Pilot and toy around with some of these examples and see what the system wants to do so I can tell others to stop doing it!! lol
I’ve done the steps to unallocate when a bin goes negative and such. The problem is that all of these examples are very similar, but somewhat difference, which drives me nuts.
I’ll go back and check those notes and see if there is a way to find these before they attempt to ship so I can avoid these land mines at the last minute.