Buy parts with a MOM

Good Day:

Use an Alternate BOM.
I have not done it, but I think you do not need a "Default" BOM in
order to have an Alt BOM.
So, there would be no BOM to roll, but it would exist as an Alt.



From: [] On Behalf
Of Kerry_Muntz
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 3:29 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Buy parts with a MOM

Hi Rob, we have a similar problem where we have quoted boms that we
don't want rolled - but do want standard costs for. We have a separate
Class set up for those parts, and we simply omit the entire class when
doing a roll up.

--- In <> ,
"robertjardim" <rjardim@...> wrote:
> We are running Vantage 8.00.812A.
> We need to track bills of materials on Buy parts and are running a
standard cost system. Our problem is that when we roll our standards
these buy parts are getting rerolled and the new standard that gets
applied is not real and it is based on the total of the standards of its
> What we would like to do is set the standard of the buy part which
reports to many different other assemblies. And when we do a complete
roll the system would identify that it is a buy part and not add up its
children and just take the standard assigned to the buy.
> I hope this makes sense. Has anyone else run into this problem?
> Thanks for any help you can give.
> Rob

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We are running Vantage 8.00.812A.

We need to track bills of materials on Buy parts and are running a standard cost system. Our problem is that when we roll our standards these buy parts are getting rerolled and the new standard that gets applied is not real and it is based on the total of the standards of its children.

What we would like to do is set the standard of the buy part which reports to many different other assemblies. And when we do a complete roll the system would identify that it is a buy part and not add up its children and just take the standard assigned to the buy.

I hope this makes sense. Has anyone else run into this problem?

Thanks for any help you can give.

Hi Rob, we have a similar problem where we have quoted boms that we don't want rolled - but do want standard costs for. We have a separate Class set up for those parts, and we simply omit the entire class when doing a roll up.

--- In, "robertjardim" <rjardim@...> wrote:
> We are running Vantage 8.00.812A.
> We need to track bills of materials on Buy parts and are running a standard cost system. Our problem is that when we roll our standards these buy parts are getting rerolled and the new standard that gets applied is not real and it is based on the total of the standards of its children.
> What we would like to do is set the standard of the buy part which reports to many different other assemblies. And when we do a complete roll the system would identify that it is a buy part and not add up its children and just take the standard assigned to the buy.
> I hope this makes sense. Has anyone else run into this problem?
> Thanks for any help you can give.
> Rob