Build Screen to Update UD Table

I use DMT to update the UD tables from excel when I need them to store data for my BAQs. I need to provide a screen for the users to be able to update a column in the UD table. Is there a good video or tutorial or list of instructions to guide me through this task? I envision it as being as basic as the user selects a month and year and updates forecast values for 13 rows. Currently, all forecast values for the months of 2024 are set to 0 to allow my BAQ to work for 2024.


If you want them to edit a record at a time, the Epicor Customization User Guide has a chapter on Delivered User-Defined Tables that shows how to add the screen form to a menu. You can customize the form to show whatever column(s) you want.

Another good way is an updateable dashboard, which shows multiple records at a time and can let you control which fields are updateable. The Epicor ICE Tools User Guide has a chapter with instructions about these.

Make a copy of your baq as updatable and make the forecast values updatable. Use the UD table UpdateExt. Once you know the update works in the baq, add it to a dashboard and add a tracker to filter for the month and year.

Both replies are great. I created the updateableBAQ and resolved issues to get it to save. The analyze shows syntax OK. I clicked Get List. The records display, BUT the field I checked as updateable is NOT. Please advise.

Added a few screens to help…


When you are testing in the baq you need to double click a row to change it. Then when you have one or more rows that show yellow as in they have been changed then click the update button.

That did it! Thanks. Now I can publish it to a menu for the users.

Do you use the add favorite method and have Epicor make the menu for you? I like that I don’t have to make the menu, just have to change the parent from PROCESS and the sequence.

Actually I was just in the process of creating the DEFINITION ID for the Dashboard for the menu. I have a server error.

I don’t know if it is related, but I don’t check publish view

The problem was that I had more than 40 characters in the caption for the dashboard. Dashboard is published; and created menu item. All good! Updateable BAQs are pretty awesome. Thanks.

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