As a company, we are working to make our E10 cleaner and more consistent. I have a request in for a BPM that will check all operations in a job and not allow the user to close it if any operations remain open and pop up an alert message. I thought I saw a good post on this but as hard as I try I cannot locate it again. Does anyone have a BPM that does this that you’d be willing to share or perhaps a link to that post I saw but cannot find now? Many thanks in advance. BPM is completely new to me as thus far, I’ve not had to do any customizations to our system.
Complete or Closed?
Op Complete. If any of the values in the JobOper.OpComplete table are 0, don’t allow job close and pop up alert/message. Sorry I wasn’t that specific.
Still not enough lol.
Do you want to allow the Job to not be Completed, Closed, or Both?
Both would be good.