I have an updatable dashboard that i want to have an email sent with the before and after value of a field that resides on the orderhed table. I have been able to get this to work from the Order Entry screen using BPM and callcontextbpmdata setting the prior value to the character01 field.
Sorry novice here and been reading and fumbling around trying to find the code to set this prior value in my code.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
private void OrderHed_BeforeFieldChange(object sender, DataColumnChangeEventArgs args)
// ** Argument Properties and Uses **
// args.Row[“FieldName”]
// args.Column, args.ProposedValue, args.Row
// Add Event Handler Code
switch (args.Column.ColumnName)
case “ReadyStatus_c”:
EpiDataView edv = (EpiDataView)(oTrans.EpiDataViews["CallContextBpmData"]);
edv.dataView[edv.Row]["Character01"] = args.Row["ReadyStatus_c"];