BPM Raise Exception allows Posting to proceed

I have a Pre-Processing method on Erp.APInvGrp.PrePostGroupInvoices. I’ve added a condition element, setup as “The user who called the method does not belong to the Post AP Invoice Group.” Then, to the TRUE side of the condition element, I added a Raise Exception element, with an error message, and ticked “Terminate on Error.”

When I test the BPM, the error message is displayed, but I’m able to proceeded and post the group.

Are there any suggestions for what I may have missed? I’d like to replicate this same logic to the AR Invoice, Journal Entry, Cash Entry, and Payment Entry so that we can segregate those with the access to post these groups.

A better option would be to use process security, no BPM needed.

Vinay Kamboj


Were you able to find a resolution to your issue where the Raise Exception condition is not working as expected? We are experiencing the same thing in MES where it allows you to proceed processing.

Hi, sorry for the delayed response. No, I never found a solution; we moved on to a more pressing problem. Did you ever figure it out?

I too encountered similar issue with std. error message. I replaced with below code and worked. Try it.

  throw new Ice.Common.BusinessObjectException(
                new Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessage(YourMessage)
                        Type = Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Error,