BPM - Push Button

If I place a push Button on a form, then how can I call a BPM when the button get push on the screen ?

BPMs are applied when a business object method is invoked OR a data directive is invoked.
Think of it like your button push would invoke a business object method, like “update”. When that’s called, your BPM logic would be applied.

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That’s a very good explanation ! Thanks. Are there any samples in how I can call a Business Object Method from a Push button. or can I create a Custom Business Object method that gets call from the push button. All I need to do is to validate every line in an Order when a push button is clicked. Checking line by line is very inefficient so I want to place a button that check every line at once and not line by line like when I place my BPM to the “update” method.

best way is to use the Order Header as your trigger… What I often do is use the “ready To Fulfill” checkbox… when it goes from False to True, then trigger my BPM that validates all the lines. if there is a problem, then throw an error, which rejects the ready to fulfill change.

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as @timshuwy it is better to put the trigger on the header table, but your validation custom code should go through each line or/and releases belong to that header