BPM Or Data Directive : send email

Depending on if you do standard or ‘in transaction’ I can’t remember from the top of my head, but there is a template/wizard based email option that requires no coding..

Rob Bucek
Production Control Manager
PH: (715) 284-5376 ext 311
Mobile: (715)896-4832
FAX: (715)284-4084
(Click the logo to view our site)<http://www.dsmfg.com/>

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Bill Jackson
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 12:40 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Re: BPM Or Data Directive : send email

Thanks. I ask because all of my 'alert' experience has been with 'BAM's, but this particular Table is not available in a BAM.

We will be using a 'data directive', I'm not sure if the 'BpmEmail.p' can be used there, but I will find out.

From: b_ordway <cooner_55421@...<mailto:cooner_55421%40yahoo.com>>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com<mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:30 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: BPM Or Data Directive : send email

I'm not sure I understand your question exactly but here are my two cents anyway...
Any new alerts I would set up as a BPM.
I liked BAM alerts but I've experienced unexplained, inconsistent behavior.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com<mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>, Bill Jackson <fujijapman@...> wrote:
> We are looking to alert based on the 'PartAlloc' table, probably within a Data Directive. My question is, without having done much as of yet:
> Â Can we use the 'BAM' style ( Including {ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = "PartAlloc"} ?
> Â Or should we pursue using the 'BpmEmail.p' code, similar to this posting.
> Bill J.
> Â
> ________________________________
> From: Steven Gotschall <sgotschall@...>
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com<mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 3:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vantage] Re: BPM send email
> Â
> I found the same thing with the weird email TO address. It doesn't appear to
> affect delivery of the email. When we first started on 8.03 we didn't have this
> problem. Somewhere between updating Vantage and Exchange the problem emerged.Â
> I called it into Epicor, and they were clueless, basically they said they
> couldn't support Exchange. None of my other SMTP mailers (like my copiers) have
> this problem so it has to be something Vantage is doing. One of these days I'm
> going to trace the SMTP communication between Vantage and Exchange and see where
> the problem lies.
> ________________________________
> From: k99ja04 <jallmond@...>
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com<mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Tue, August 17, 2010 1:46:57 PM
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: BPM send email
> Â
> Trying to do it with a BPM. I later found BpmEmail.p. Below is the code I ended
> up with.
> It's weird the email address looks funky when it shows up in Outlook. I the main
> window, the To: field shows only "engineering@", and when I examine the MIME
> headers the To: fields shows (spaced for clarity)
> To: "engineering@" <wrightcoating.com engineering@...>
> They seem to flow so I'll take it for now. Any pointers? Something funny with
> the way you should quote or use any special characters with an email address?
> Thanks,
> Jared
> repeat:
> define variable vFrom as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable vTo as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable vCC as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable vSubject as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable vBody as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable hEmailEx as handle no-undo.
> run Bpm/BpmEmail.p persistent set hEmailEx.
> define variable from_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vFrom = 'Administrator@...'.
> define variable to_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vTo = 'engineering@...'.
> define variable cc_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vCC = ''.
> define variable subject_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vSubject = 'Bad Part Number'.
> define variable body_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vBody = "PartNum is not barcode friendly." + CHR(10) + "Quote:" +
> STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum) + " Line:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteLine).
> run SendEmail in hEmailEx (
> false,
> vFrom,
> vTo,
> vCC,
> vSubject,
> vBody,
> "":U
> ).
> /* async as logical
> company as character
> emailFrom as character
> emailTo as character
> emailCC as character
> emailSubject as character
> emailText as character
> emailMimeHeader as character */
> IF valid-handle(hEmailEx) THEN delete procedure hEmailEx.
> leave.
> END.
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com<mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>, "bw2868bond" <bwalker@> wrote:
> >
> > I am confused -
> > are you writing a BAM Alert .p procedure which uses ud/GlbAlert.i to send
> >emails or a BPM which uses Bpm/BpmEmail.p ?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I'm struggling with a BPM to popup a notification that the part number is not barcode friendly and also want to send an email notification to engineering with the quote and line number. I think I'm close, but I get this error.

Error Detail
Message: Compilation error: Missing END statement. Already defining ChangeQuoteLinePre8_A1. You cannot nest procedure, function, or method definitions. (5908)
** c:\epicor\mfgsys803\Server\lib\GetClientFileName.i Could not understand line 1. (196)

Feels like a syntax issue. Here's the code:

FOR EACH ttOrderDtl WHERE (ttOrderDtl.RowMod='A' OR ttOrderDtl.RowMod='U') no-lock:
IF INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),' ') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'!') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'@') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'#') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'$') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'%') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'&') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'*') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'(') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),')') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'=') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'+') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'\\') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'/') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'\"') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'.') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),',') NE 0 THEN DO:
msg = "PartNum is not barcode friendly." + CHR(10) + "An email has been sent to Engineering" + CHR(10) + "Quote:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum) + " Line:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteLine).
{lib/PublishInfoMsg.i &InfoMsg = msg }.
{ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = "QuoteDtl"}
ASSIGN Email-To = "engineering@...".
Email-Subject = "Quote:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum) + " has a bard part number".
Email-Text = "Quote:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum) + " Line:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteLine) + " has a bad part number".
IF LENGTH(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum)) > 27 THEN DO:
msg = "Maximum length of field PartNum exceeded.".
{lib/PublishInfoMsg.i &InfoMsg = msg }.
Looks like you forgot a "." After the GlbAlert.i call

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of k99ja04
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 2:54 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] BPM send email

I'm struggling with a BPM to popup a notification that the part number
is not barcode friendly and also want to send an email notification to
engineering with the quote and line number. I think I'm close, but I get
this error.

Error Detail
Message: Compilation error: Missing END statement. Already defining
ChangeQuoteLinePre8_A1. You cannot nest procedure, function, or method
definitions. (5908)
** c:\epicor\mfgsys803\Server\lib\GetClientFileName.i Could not
understand line 1. (196)

Feels like a syntax issue. Here's the code:

FOR EACH ttOrderDtl WHERE (ttOrderDtl.RowMod='A' OR
ttOrderDtl.RowMod='U') no-lock:
IF INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),' ') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'!') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'@') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'#') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'$') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'%') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'&') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'*') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'(') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),')') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'=') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'+') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'\\') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'/') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'\"') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'.') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),',') NE 0 THEN DO:
msg = "PartNum is not barcode friendly." + CHR(10) + "An email has been
sent to Engineering" + CHR(10) + "Quote:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum)
+ " Line:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteLine).
{lib/PublishInfoMsg.i &InfoMsg = msg }.
{ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = "QuoteDtl"}
ASSIGN Email-To = "engineering@...
<mailto:engineering%40wct.local> ".
Email-Subject = "Quote:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum) + " has a bard
part number".
Email-Text = "Quote:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum) + " Line:" +
STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteLine) + " has a bad part number".
IF LENGTH(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum)) > 27 THEN DO:
msg = "Maximum length of field PartNum exceeded.".
{lib/PublishInfoMsg.i &InfoMsg = msg }.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
It also might be complaining about the &InfoMsg = msg not having
quotation marks around the msg part: &InfoMsg="msg"

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of Sean McDaniel
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 3:09 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Vantage] BPM send email

Looks like you forgot a "." After the GlbAlert.i call

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>
[mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com> ] On
Of k99ja04
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 2:54 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [Vantage] BPM send email

I'm struggling with a BPM to popup a notification that the part number
is not barcode friendly and also want to send an email notification to
engineering with the quote and line number. I think I'm close, but I get
this error.

Error Detail
Message: Compilation error: Missing END statement. Already defining
ChangeQuoteLinePre8_A1. You cannot nest procedure, function, or method
definitions. (5908)
** c:\epicor\mfgsys803\Server\lib\GetClientFileName.i Could not
understand line 1. (196)

Feels like a syntax issue. Here's the code:

FOR EACH ttOrderDtl WHERE (ttOrderDtl.RowMod='A' OR
ttOrderDtl.RowMod='U') no-lock:
IF INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),' ') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'!') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'@') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'#') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'$') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'%') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'&') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'*') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'(') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),')') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'=') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'+') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'\\') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'/') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'\"') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),'.') NE 0 OR
INDEX(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum),',') NE 0 THEN DO:
msg = "PartNum is not barcode friendly." + CHR(10) + "An email has been
sent to Engineering" + CHR(10) + "Quote:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum)
+ " Line:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteLine).
{lib/PublishInfoMsg.i &InfoMsg = msg }.
{ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = "QuoteDtl"}
ASSIGN Email-To = "engineering@...
<mailto:engineering%40wct.local> ".
Email-Subject = "Quote:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum) + " has a bard
part number".
Email-Text = "Quote:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum) + " Line:" +
STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteLine) + " has a bad part number".
IF LENGTH(STRING(ttOrderDtl.PartNum)) > 27 THEN DO:
msg = "Maximum length of field PartNum exceeded.".
{lib/PublishInfoMsg.i &InfoMsg = msg }.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
It's not the PublishInfoMsg. I've removed/commented it and no dice. BPM validates, but I get the error when I try to save the BPM. I've tried moving the include to the top of the procedure as well. Also added a period to the end of {ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = "QuoteDtl" }.

I've also tried to write a stripped down BPM and get the same error when attemting to save. If it's not in the code, its gotta be my config.

FOR EACH ttOrderDtl no-lock:
{ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = "QuoteDtl" }.
ASSIGN Email-From = "administrator@...".
ASSIGN Email-Subject = "Test Subject".
ASSIGN Email-Text = "Test Body".
ASSIGN Email-To = "engineering@...".
ASSIGN SendEmail = TRUE.
I am confused -
are you writing a BAM Alert .p procedure which uses ud/GlbAlert.i to send emails or a BPM which uses Bpm/BpmEmail.p ?

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "k99ja04" <jallmond@...> wrote:
> It's not the PublishInfoMsg. I've removed/commented it and no dice. BPM validates, but I get the error when I try to save the BPM. I've tried moving the include to the top of the procedure as well. Also added a period to the end of {ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = "QuoteDtl" }.
> I've also tried to write a stripped down BPM and get the same error when attemting to save. If it's not in the code, its gotta be my config.
> FOR EACH ttOrderDtl no-lock:
> {ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = "QuoteDtl" }.
> ASSIGN Email-From = "administrator@...".
> ASSIGN Email-Subject = "Test Subject".
> ASSIGN Email-Text = "Test Body".
> ASSIGN Email-To = "engineering@...".
> ASSIGN SendEmail = TRUE.
> END.
Trying to do it with a BPM. I later found BpmEmail.p. Below is the code I ended up with.

It's weird the email address looks funky when it shows up in Outlook. I the main window, the To: field shows only "engineering@", and when I examine the MIME headers the To: fields shows (spaced for clarity)

To: "engineering@" <wrightcoating.com engineering@...>

They seem to flow so I'll take it for now. Any pointers? Something funny with the way you should quote or use any special characters with an email address?

define variable vFrom as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable vTo as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable vCC as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable vSubject as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable vBody as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable hEmailEx as handle no-undo.

run Bpm/BpmEmail.p persistent set hEmailEx.
define variable from_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vFrom = 'Administrator@...'.

define variable to_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vTo = 'engineering@...'.

define variable cc_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vCC = ''.

define variable subject_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vSubject = 'Bad Part Number'.

define variable body_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vBody = "PartNum is not barcode friendly." + CHR(10) + "Quote:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum) + " Line:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteLine).

run SendEmail in hEmailEx (
/* async as logical
company as character
emailFrom as character
emailTo as character
emailCC as character
emailSubject as character
emailText as character
emailMimeHeader as character */
IF valid-handle(hEmailEx) THEN delete procedure hEmailEx.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "bw2868bond" <bwalker@...> wrote:
> I am confused -
> are you writing a BAM Alert .p procedure which uses ud/GlbAlert.i to send emails or a BPM which uses Bpm/BpmEmail.p ?
I found the same thing with the weird email TO address. It doesn't appear to
affect delivery of the email. When we first started on 8.03 we didn't have this
problem. Somewhere between updating Vantage and Exchange the problem emerged.Â
I called it into Epicor, and they were clueless, basically they said they
couldn't support Exchange. None of my other SMTP mailers (like my copiers) have
this problem so it has to be something Vantage is doing. One of these days I'm
going to trace the SMTP communication between Vantage and Exchange and see where
the problem lies.

From: k99ja04 <jallmond@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, August 17, 2010 1:46:57 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: BPM send email

Trying to do it with a BPM. I later found BpmEmail.p. Below is the code I ended
up with.

It's weird the email address looks funky when it shows up in Outlook. I the main
window, the To: field shows only "engineering@", and when I examine the MIME
headers the To: fields shows (spaced for clarity)

To: "engineering@" <wrightcoating.com engineering@...>

They seem to flow so I'll take it for now. Any pointers? Something funny with
the way you should quote or use any special characters with an email address?

define variable vFrom as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable vTo as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable vCC as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable vSubject as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable vBody as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable hEmailEx as handle no-undo.

run Bpm/BpmEmail.p persistent set hEmailEx.
define variable from_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vFrom = 'Administrator@...'.

define variable to_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vTo = 'engineering@...'.

define variable cc_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vCC = ''.

define variable subject_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vSubject = 'Bad Part Number'.

define variable body_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vBody = "PartNum is not barcode friendly." + CHR(10) + "Quote:" +
STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum) + " Line:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteLine).

run SendEmail in hEmailEx (
/* async as logical
company as character
emailFrom as character
emailTo as character
emailCC as character
emailSubject as character
emailText as character
emailMimeHeader as character */
IF valid-handle(hEmailEx) THEN delete procedure hEmailEx.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "bw2868bond" <bwalker@...> wrote:
> I am confused -
> are you writing a BAM Alert .p procedure which uses ud/GlbAlert.i to send
>emails or a BPM which uses Bpm/BpmEmail.p ?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I spent about 3 minutes on this before moving on, but here's the corresponding message SMTP log and MIME headers. The exchange server did indeed parse out the recipient properly, but the damage is already done in the message source. Looks like BpmEmail.p needs some attention. My guess is there's some newline character, improperly escaped special character, etc in the recipient string throwing things off. There's no way to decompile BpmEmail.p is there?

ServerHostname : EXCHANGE
SourceContext : 08CD087C3C1550D3;2010-08-17T21:02:51.678Z;0
ConnectorId : EXCHANGE\Internet
Source : SMTP
InternalMessageId : 71117
MessageId : <15b57aac-b5a5-41ac-b36e-4a2477a4f915@...
Recipients : {jallmond@...}
RecipientStatus : {}
TotalBytes : 1343
RecipientCount : 1
RelatedRecipientAddress :
Reference :
MessageSubject : Notification: Part Number Change
Sender : Administrator@...
ReturnPath : Administrator@...
MessageInfo : 00A:

Timestamp : 8/17/2010 5:02:56 PM
ClientIp :
ClientHostname : EXCHANGE
ServerIp :
ServerHostname : exchange
SourceContext :
ConnectorId :
InternalMessageId : 71117
MessageId : <15b57aac-b5a5-41ac-b36e-4a2477a4f915@...
Recipients : {jallmond@...}
RecipientStatus : {}
TotalBytes : 1515
RecipientCount : 1
RelatedRecipientAddress :
Reference :
MessageSubject : Notification: Part Number Change
Sender : Administrator@...
ReturnPath : Administrator@...
MessageInfo : 8/17/2010 5:02:55 PM

Received: from SQLSERVER ( by mail.wrightcoating.com (
with Microsoft SMTP Server id; Tue, 17 Aug 2010 17:02:55 -0400
From: <Administrator@...>
To: "jallmond@" <wrightcoating.com jallmond@...>
Subject: Notification: Part Number Change
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 17:02:56 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Message-ID: <15b57aac-b5a5-41ac-b36e-4a2477a4f915@...>
Return-Path: Administrator@...
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-PRD: wrightcoating.com
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SenderIdResult: SoftFail

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Steven Gotschall <sgotschall@...> wrote:
> I found the same thing with the weird email TO address. It doesn't appear to
> affect delivery of the email. When we first started on 8.03 we didn't have this
> problem. Somewhere between updating Vantage and Exchange the problem emerged.ÂÂ
> I called it into Epicor, and they were clueless, basically they said they
> couldn't support Exchange. None of my other SMTP mailers (like my copiers) have
> this problem so it has to be something Vantage is doing. One of these days I'm
> going to trace the SMTP communication between Vantage and Exchange and see where
> the problem lies.
We are looking to alert based on the 'PartAlloc' table, probably within a Data Directive. My question is, without having done much as of yet:

 Can we use the 'BAM' style ( Including {ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = "PartAlloc"} ?

 Or should we pursue using the 'BpmEmail.p' code, similar to this posting.

Bill J.


From: Steven Gotschall <sgotschall@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Re: BPM send email

I found the same thing with the weird email TO address. It doesn't appear to
affect delivery of the email. When we first started on 8.03 we didn't have this
problem. Somewhere between updating Vantage and Exchange the problem emerged.Â
I called it into Epicor, and they were clueless, basically they said they
couldn't support Exchange. None of my other SMTP mailers (like my copiers) have
this problem so it has to be something Vantage is doing. One of these days I'm
going to trace the SMTP communication between Vantage and Exchange and see where
the problem lies.

From: k99ja04 <jallmond@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, August 17, 2010 1:46:57 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: BPM send email

Trying to do it with a BPM. I later found BpmEmail.p. Below is the code I ended
up with.

It's weird the email address looks funky when it shows up in Outlook. I the main
window, the To: field shows only "engineering@", and when I examine the MIME
headers the To: fields shows (spaced for clarity)

To: "engineering@" <wrightcoating.com engineering@...>

They seem to flow so I'll take it for now. Any pointers? Something funny with
the way you should quote or use any special characters with an email address?

define variable vFrom as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable vTo as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable vCC as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable vSubject as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable vBody as character no-undo initial '':U.
define variable hEmailEx as handle no-undo.

run Bpm/BpmEmail.p persistent set hEmailEx.
define variable from_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vFrom = 'Administrator@...'.

define variable to_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vTo = 'engineering@...'.

define variable cc_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vCC = ''.

define variable subject_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vSubject = 'Bad Part Number'.

define variable body_cnt as integer no-undo.
assign vBody = "PartNum is not barcode friendly." + CHR(10) + "Quote:" +
STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum) + " Line:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteLine).

run SendEmail in hEmailEx (
/* async as logical
company as character
emailFrom as character
emailTo as character
emailCC as character
emailSubject as character
emailText as character
emailMimeHeader as character */
IF valid-handle(hEmailEx) THEN delete procedure hEmailEx.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "bw2868bond" <bwalker@...> wrote:
> I am confused -
> are you writing a BAM Alert .p procedure which uses ud/GlbAlert.i to send
>emails or a BPM which uses Bpm/BpmEmail.p ?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I'm not sure I understand your question exactly but here are my two cents anyway...
Any new alerts I would set up as a BPM.
I liked BAM alerts but I've experienced unexplained, inconsistent behavior.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Bill Jackson <fujijapman@...> wrote:
> We are looking to alert based on the 'PartAlloc' table, probably within a Data Directive. My question is, without having done much as of yet:
>  Can we use the 'BAM' style ( Including {ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = "PartAlloc"} ?
>  Or should we pursue using the 'BpmEmail.p' code, similar to this posting.
> Bill J.
> ÂÂ
> ________________________________
> From: Steven Gotschall <sgotschall@...>
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 3:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vantage] Re: BPM send email
> ÂÂ
> I found the same thing with the weird email TO address. It doesn't appear to
> affect delivery of the email. When we first started on 8.03 we didn't have this
> problem. Somewhere between updating Vantage and Exchange the problem emerged.ÂÂ
> I called it into Epicor, and they were clueless, basically they said they
> couldn't support Exchange. None of my other SMTP mailers (like my copiers) have
> this problem so it has to be something Vantage is doing. One of these days I'm
> going to trace the SMTP communication between Vantage and Exchange and see where
> the problem lies.
> ________________________________
> From: k99ja04 <jallmond@...>
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tue, August 17, 2010 1:46:57 PM
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: BPM send email
> ÂÂ
> Trying to do it with a BPM. I later found BpmEmail.p. Below is the code I ended
> up with.
> It's weird the email address looks funky when it shows up in Outlook. I the main
> window, the To: field shows only "engineering@", and when I examine the MIME
> headers the To: fields shows (spaced for clarity)
> To: "engineering@" <wrightcoating.com engineering@...>
> They seem to flow so I'll take it for now. Any pointers? Something funny with
> the way you should quote or use any special characters with an email address?
> Thanks,
> Jared
> repeat:
> define variable vFrom as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable vTo as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable vCC as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable vSubject as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable vBody as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable hEmailEx as handle no-undo.
> run Bpm/BpmEmail.p persistent set hEmailEx.
> define variable from_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vFrom = 'Administrator@...'.
> define variable to_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vTo = 'engineering@...'.
> define variable cc_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vCC = ''.
> define variable subject_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vSubject = 'Bad Part Number'.
> define variable body_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vBody = "PartNum is not barcode friendly." + CHR(10) + "Quote:" +
> STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum) + " Line:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteLine).
> run SendEmail in hEmailEx (
> false,
> vFrom,
> vTo,
> vCC,
> vSubject,
> vBody,
> "":U
> ).
> /* async as logical
> company as character
> emailFrom as character
> emailTo as character
> emailCC as character
> emailSubject as character
> emailText as character
> emailMimeHeader as character */
> IF valid-handle(hEmailEx) THEN delete procedure hEmailEx.
> leave.
> END.
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "bw2868bond" <bwalker@> wrote:
> >
> > I am confused -
> > are you writing a BAM Alert .p procedure which uses ud/GlbAlert.i to send
> >emails or a BPM which uses Bpm/BpmEmail.p ?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Thanks. I ask because all of my 'alert' experience has been with 'BAM's, but this particular Table is not available in a BAM.

We will be using a 'data directive', I'm not sure if the 'BpmEmail.p' can be used there, but I will find out.

From: b_ordway <cooner_55421@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:30 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: BPM Or Data Directive : send email

I'm not sure I understand your question exactly but here are my two cents anyway...
Any new alerts I would set up as a BPM.
I liked BAM alerts but I've experienced unexplained, inconsistent behavior.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Bill Jackson <fujijapman@...> wrote:
> We are looking to alert based on the 'PartAlloc' table, probably within a Data Directive. My question is, without having done much as of yet:
>  Can we use the 'BAM' style ( Including {ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = "PartAlloc"} ?
>  Or should we pursue using the 'BpmEmail.p' code, similar to this posting.
> Bill J.
> ÂÂ
> ________________________________
> From: Steven Gotschall <sgotschall@...>
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 3:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vantage] Re: BPM send email
> ÂÂ
> I found the same thing with the weird email TO address. It doesn't appear to
> affect delivery of the email. When we first started on 8.03 we didn't have this
> problem. Somewhere between updating Vantage and Exchange the problem emerged.ÂÂ
> I called it into Epicor, and they were clueless, basically they said they
> couldn't support Exchange. None of my other SMTP mailers (like my copiers) have
> this problem so it has to be something Vantage is doing. One of these days I'm
> going to trace the SMTP communication between Vantage and Exchange and see where
> the problem lies.
> ________________________________
> From: k99ja04 <jallmond@...>
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tue, August 17, 2010 1:46:57 PM
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: BPM send email
> ÂÂ
> Trying to do it with a BPM. I later found BpmEmail.p. Below is the code I ended
> up with.
> It's weird the email address looks funky when it shows up in Outlook. I the main
> window, the To: field shows only "engineering@", and when I examine the MIME
> headers the To: fields shows (spaced for clarity)
> To: "engineering@" <wrightcoating.com engineering@...>
> They seem to flow so I'll take it for now. Any pointers? Something funny with
> the way you should quote or use any special characters with an email address?
> Thanks,
> Jared
> repeat:
> define variable vFrom as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable vTo as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable vCC as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable vSubject as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable vBody as character no-undo initial '':U.
> define variable hEmailEx as handle no-undo.
> run Bpm/BpmEmail.p persistent set hEmailEx.
> define variable from_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vFrom = 'Administrator@...'.
> define variable to_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vTo = 'engineering@...'.
> define variable cc_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vCC = ''.
> define variable subject_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vSubject = 'Bad Part Number'.
> define variable body_cnt as integer no-undo.
> assign vBody = "PartNum is not barcode friendly." + CHR(10) + "Quote:" +
> STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteNum) + " Line:" + STRING(ttOrderDtl.QuoteLine).
> run SendEmail in hEmailEx (
> false,
> vFrom,
> vTo,
> vCC,
> vSubject,
> vBody,
> "":U
> ).
> /* async as logical
> company as character
> emailFrom as character
> emailTo as character
> emailCC as character
> emailSubject as character
> emailText as character
> emailMimeHeader as character */
> IF valid-handle(hEmailEx) THEN delete procedure hEmailEx.
> leave.
> END.
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "bw2868bond" <bwalker@> wrote:
> >
> > I am confused -
> > are you writing a BAM Alert .p procedure which uses ud/GlbAlert.i to send
> >emails or a BPM which uses Bpm/BpmEmail.p ?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]