BPM on UserFile

We recently went form E9 to E10.2.300.8 and i had noticed that the UserFile has changed. All custom UD fields are created under SysUserFile not UserFile. According to Epicor support when I inquired SysUserFile is the new table.

When I try to go create a BPM the method is only User File and when I try to set up a behavior for this the custom fields are not listed. I am guess this has to do with the table changes.

You can see in the screen shot I created a UD field called CreatedDate_c but it does not show the list on the second screen shot.

Anyone know what i need to do with this?

You may have to resort to using an Execute Custom code widget.

And don’t know if it is related, but there were some other places in a BPM where custom UD fields don’t show in widgets or BPM query builders. Even though they didn’t show in the BPM UI, you coukd still reference them

Looking back, I was having an issue with using a UD field in an expression.

Instead of using


I had to use


And this might not be related at all.

And this from the ICE manual
(particularly #4)


The UD column is on SysUerFile, but you are creating a BPM on UserFile.

Hi @Kimberley
as @Jason_Woods mentioned, you are on a different table, try to create your BPM on the ice version of the UserFile table, it is working fine with me


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That is the confusing part. If I create a custom field it has to be on the SysUserFile or it will not show up in the customization when I assign the field to the custom box. But when you go to create the BPM there is not a table called SysUserFile.

the User Account BO is writing mainly to this table, so this is the only table that you need to deal with if you want to capture actions on this screen

that is the one I am working with. I can finally see my fields but just working on getting my BPM to work.

you are creating your BPM on the Erp one not the ice, from my memory it has not triggered when i tried what you are using now.

I changed it to the ICE.

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one more thing, if i were you, i will try to hook to the pre-process Update method when RowMod=“A”

What would does the A stand for on the RowMod?

‘A’ Added i.e New
‘U’ Updated

I tried this and it didn’t update.

try to cast the date function into callcontextvariable, then assign this variable to your UD field, something like this:

i have put it as note, in your case assign it to your UD field then do not forget to clear it afterward.