BPM on Auto Receive from Report Quantity

Hey there,

The auto receive is working okay, but I need to change the default lot number (job num) and add the heat info on the MFG-STK transaction.

I ran a trace when reporting quantity, but all I got back was for the labor transaction and not the receipt.

Has anyone put a directive on the auto receipt part of the report quantity process? Should I just add the Job Receipt To Inventory code to a directive on the labor transaction and deselect the auto receive?



I did a Data Directive on a PartTran changing the lot number during autoreceipt.
It’s been I while, I could look in my toolbox - maybe under a couple dashboards or old reports…

Thanks, Bruce.

I went ahead and added a directive to the report quantity that does the receipt and adds in the heat/lot and some other info we’ll be collecting.

It seems to work okay, but I haven’t tried recalling the time entry and resubmitting yet.
