Hello - I am trying to set a default shipping comment upon save when a pack line is entered during customer shipment entry. The shipping comment would be saved in a ShipTo UD field. Because the ShipTo table isn’t included in the BO.CustShip.UpdateMaster method directive, does this mean I am going to need to figure out how to do this with a custom code widget? I’d like to be able to avoid that, as I am still kind of green when it comes to C# and would feel better if there is an out of the box solution using Epicor’s widgets.
I’m not looking for step by step guidance, I’m just wondering if what I am attempting to do would be possible with the widgets in the workflow designer or if the only way to accomplish this would be using some C#. Is it possible to somehow set a variable for an unrelated table?
My end goal is more or less this when a pack line is saved:
UPDATE ShipDtl sd
JOIN ShipTo st on sd.MFShipToNum = st.ShipToNum and sd.CustNum = st.CustNum
SET sd.ShipComment = st.CustomField
WHERE sd.ShipToNum = whatever shipto number the associated pack slip is for (I can assign a variable no problem)