BPM from OrderHed to OrderRel

For whatever reason, ResDelivery in ORderRel is not the same as OrderHed. So how would I write the BPM to say if OrderHed.ResDelivery=true then make OrderRel.ResDelivery true.

Perhaps a BPM on Update method that’d loop though your Lines/Releases.

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Thought about a BPM, but can’t seem to figure out how to get it to write to OrderRel.ResDelivery.

I would use a data directive on having new Order Releases written with the same ResDelivery. The problem with a method directive is you rarely update the OrderRel table directly. Usually, you’re updating the OrderDtl table and it’s modifying the release.

Now, you may want to have a method directive on OrderHed, to catch the times where there’s an order with releases already on it (presumably matching the header), and then the user changes the header after the fact.

If you’re forcing these to match via code, you may also want to make the release flag readonly on the Order Entry screen.

OrderRel is sometimes difficult because it doesn’t exist when you initially save the OrderHed record… it also doesn’t exist when saving an orderDtl record…
So, on OrderRel, it is sometimes better to have TWO BPMs…

  1. Data BPM on OrderRel to update the record and make sure it matches OrderHed and/or OrderDtl
  2. Data BPM on OrderHed and/or OrderDtl that pushes any updates to all applicable orderRel records.

You just need to be really careful not to trigger circular updates.


Gotcah! Well, that is interesting. Well, I am trying to add ResDelivery to our Ship Ticket and the query is written where the ResDelivery comes from OrderRel instead of OrderHed. So, I am thinking it would be easier to just change it to pull from OrderHed.

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