if you are joining a TT table to the ABCCode table, then the join probably doesn’t matter, and you can do it… you will not see a performance hit that is measurable.
If you are joining a TT table to the PartTran table, then you might see a huge performance hit due to the number of records in PartTran…
So the word “never ever never” join is maybe overkill, but it is best practice not to do so. I have done it on occasion for quick tests where I dont want to take the extra 2 steps needed to avoid the bad practice.
And that’s why I say “never ver never never never never never” because if you get used to drawing that little arrow between two boxes which is easy and painless one day you are going to draw it between PartTran and LaborDtl and ttLaborHed your server will catch on fire
For reference current Production Record Count of those two respectivelly 1.4 mil rows and 1.3 mil rows
I found out that by creating the variable above, I wouldn’t be able to create save new receipt line due to the error “There are no records in the table ttRcvHead” in the screenshot below. Tried removing the variable and it worked, did I missed out any steps ?
But this is just logic flow. For some reason the ttRcvHead dataset is empty at this point in the execution (duh, I know), and I mean you’re not going to change or “fix” that.
So the point here is what, we need the PO Number stored as a variable? (To be used as a criteria in the query.)
Can it be pulled from ttRcvDtl?
Also, I don’t think it applies here (being a new row), but the temp tables can store 2 rows per row, right - the original (RowMod = “” or something) and the new (RowMod = “A” or “U”)?