I’ve created a Quote.Update.Pre BPM to send an email when a UD field is checked in an updatable dashboard. I got the email to work, and in the email template, inserted a few fields from the ttQuoteHed table.
First question - How do I link other tables to the email template? When I click Insert > Field Query, I only see the ttQuoteHed (and other ttQuote tables mostly). I’d like to add all call log records for that quote number, but can’t figure out how I would join that table (on QuoteNum) so it’s available for the email template to use. Is it time to learn C#?
Second Question - What does the filter do in “Select Table Fields”? I couldn’t find anything in the help or BPM Epicor Education documents.
If it’s a few fields, you can use the Set Argument/Variable to assign a BPM Variable to a data field with a single line of code. Then call the variable in the email “node” template.
Thanks for the idea. I don’t have the Set Argument/Variable in my BPM Workflow Designer (in Pre, and also checked Post). Maybe it was added after 10.0?
Would I be able to do something similar using the Execute Custom Code widget?