BPM Doesn't work after upgrading

after upgrading, The bpm for PO doesn’t work anymore.
Before, when po has been rejected, buyer should receive the email.
here is the code

Erp.Tables.POHeader POHeader;
Erp.Tables.PurAgent PurAgent;
Erp.Tables.Vendor Vendor;
string strLineDesc = string.Empty;
string strVendorName = string.Empty;
string strBuyerName = string.Empty;

foreach (var ttPOApvMsg_iterator in (from ttPOApvMsg_Row in ds.POApvMsg
									 where ttPOApvMsg_Row.Company == Session.CompanyID
									 select ttPOApvMsg_Row))
	var ttPOApvMsgRow = ttPOApvMsg_iterator;

	POHeader = (from POHeader_Row in Db.POHeader
				where POHeader_Row.Company == Session.CompanyID && POHeader_Row.PONum == ttPOApvMsgRow.PONum
				select POHeader_Row).FirstOrDefault();
	if (POHeader != null)
		/*Get Line Description BEGIN*/
		foreach (var ttPODetailResults in (from ttPODetailRow in Db.PODetail
										   where ttPODetailRow.Company == Session.CompanyID
											  && ttPODetailRow.PONUM == POHeader.PONum
										   select ttPODetailRow))
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strLineDesc))
				strLineDesc = Convert.ToString(ttPODetailResults.POLine) + ". " + ttPODetailResults.LineDesc + ", Qty: " + String.Format("{0:0}", ttPODetailResults.OrderQty) + ", Unit Price: " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", ttPODetailResults.UnitCost) + ", Cost: " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", ttPODetailResults.OrderQty * ttPODetailResults.UnitCost);
				strLineDesc = strLineDesc + "\n" + Convert.ToString(ttPODetailResults.POLine) + ". " + ttPODetailResults.LineDesc + ", Qty: " + String.Format("{0:0}", ttPODetailResults.OrderQty) + ", Unit Price: " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", ttPODetailResults.UnitCost) + ", Cost: " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", ttPODetailResults.OrderQty * ttPODetailResults.UnitCost);
		/*Get Line Description END*/

		/*Get Supplier Name BEGIN*/
		Vendor = (from VendorRow in Db.Vendor
				  where VendorRow.Company == Session.CompanyID
					 && VendorRow.VendorNum == POHeader.VendorNum
				  select VendorRow).FirstOrDefault();
		if (Vendor != null)
			strVendorName = Vendor.Name;
		/*Get Supplier Name END*/

		/*Get Buyer Name BEGIN*/
		var PurAgentResults = (from PurAgentRow in Db.PurAgent
							   where PurAgentRow.Company == Session.CompanyID
							   && PurAgentRow.BuyerID == POHeader.BuyerID
							   select PurAgentRow).FirstOrDefault();
		if (PurAgentResults != null)
			var PerConResults = (from PerConRow in Db.PerCon
								 where PerConRow.Company == Session.CompanyID
									&& PerConRow.PerConID == PurAgentResults.PerConID
								 select PerConRow).FirstOrDefault();
			if (PerConResults != null)
				strBuyerName = PerConResults.Name;
		/*Get Buyer Name END*/

		if ((string.Compare(ttPOApvMsgRow.ApproverResponse, "APPROVED", true) == 0 || string.Compare(ttPOApvMsgRow.ApproverResponse, "REJECTED", true) == 0) && POHeader.ApprovalStatus=="A")
			PurAgent = (from PurAgent_Row in Db.PurAgent
						where PurAgent_Row.Company == Session.CompanyID && string.Compare(PurAgent_Row.BuyerID, POHeader.BuyerID, true) == 0
						select PurAgent_Row).FirstOrDefault();
			if (PurAgent != null)
				if (PurAgent.EMailAddress != null)
					var mailer = GetMailer(async: true);
					var message = new Ice.Mail.SmtpMail();
					message.SetSubject(Session.CompanyID + " Purchase Order Approval");
					message.SetBody("PO " + Convert.ToString(ttPOApvMsgRow.PONum) + " has been " + ttPOApvMsgRow.ApproverResponse +"\n"+"Comment: "+ttPOApvMsgRow.MsgText);

		if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ttPOApvMsgRow.ApproverResponse))
			PurAgent = (from PurAgent_Row in Db.PurAgent
						where PurAgent_Row.Company == Session.CompanyID && string.Compare(PurAgent_Row.BuyerID, ttPOApvMsgRow.MsgTo, true) == 0
						select PurAgent_Row).FirstOrDefault();
			if (PurAgent != null)
				if (PurAgent.EMailAddress != null)
					var mailer = GetMailer(async: true);
					var message = new Ice.Mail.SmtpMail();
					message.SetSubject(Session.CompanyID + " Purchase Order needs Approval: " + POHeader.PONum + " Ordered By: " + strBuyerName);
					message.SetBody("PO: " + Convert.ToString(POHeader.PONum) + "\nSupplier: " + strVendorName + "\n\n" + strLineDesc);
				} /*End if PurAgent.EMailAddress != null*/
			} /*End PurAgent != null*/
		} /*End ApproverResponse false*/
	} /*End POHeader*/
} /*End foreach ttPOApvMsg*/

What versions (From and To)?

What BPM (BO and Method)?

Any conditions prior to that code?

from epicor 10 to epicor ERP
method is POApvMsg-- Update–Post Processing
No any condition. It was working well in old version,

Can you be more specific? 10.x.yyy.zz to ???

Try with Data-Directive (Standard) on POApvMsg.