BPM Directive Raised Event error in uBAQ

I’m trying to trigger PartPlant.MRPRecalcNeeded changed to TRUE when the Part.ClassID is changed and attempting to do that through the updatable BAQ used in the dashboard where users can make the Part Class change by following the BPM Directive example for Raise Events trigger that is in the ICE Tools guide for 10.2.700. However, when trying the update in BAQ Designer, I’m getting the error “Record for update was not found by it’s SysRowID value [00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000].”

What could I possibly be doing wrong?

I’ve got screenshots for how I have all of the various items set in this process, but don’t want to overload the post with them all. This is the overall view of what I have done:

If you update some record, you need to specify SysRowID for that record, so it can be found in DB. You don’t do this, and default Empty GUID value is not working.

I’m not sure how to go about doing that. The case example in the guide (for updating order information) doesn’t specifically call out SysRowID connections, so I’m at a loss of how to modify that guide to update something on the PartPlant table when something on the Part table changes.

Figure out how Part.Update is called, what data is sent to it. Does it contain the SysRowId in the row with RowMode=U.
Also check what is done in Fill table by query, may be this is where SysRowId should be set.

The really weird thing with this is that no matter how many different traces I run on updating a part in Part Maintenance, none of the RowMod entries have anything in them. Not a U or anything, but it does show me the fields I changed and the values I changed them to, with rowState= “Modified”

I’ve never seen on an Update method where something is actually changing that all of the RowMod instances show no change.

I’m not even sure if doing the BPM Directive inside the uBAQ is the best way to go. Seems like triggering an update to the PartPlant table based on a change in the Part table should be simple. I’m getting frustrated with how difficult this is proving to be.