Bpm data directive send email not working

i am trying get notification when these conditions are followed, but when i test the screen and follow the condition notification does not come up.
i am checking below conditions,
OrderDtl.OrderQty= 0
and OrderMsc.Misccode = any
when i put this two value in sales order screen i got notification,

What you have there is ttOrderMsc.MiscCode == "" … which is not the same as OrderMisc.MiscCode == any

If you really don’t care what the MiscCode is, then don’t include it in your condition criteria

but i need to check that i added atleast one field in ordermsc table.

i update the condition still does not work

I see … then to check that there is at least some value, you could use ttOrderMsc.MiscCode is not equal to ""

Also, Updated is not treated the same as Added … so you could try to change that new condition to “There is at least one added row in the tOrderMsc table”

what is the correct condition?

One or the other should do it

Edit: … I am not 100% familiar with the logic of the widgets (it’s much easier to be explicit with custom code) - so I’m not 100% confident how each would be interpreted … just going by what they are saying

If you are on-prem you can open up the sources folder on the app server. You can create a blank bpm, put some basic condition widget in it. Then see the compiled c# source.

Something like C:\inetpub\wwwroot[yourappservername]\Server\BPM\Sources

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This is showing a standard directive. You may need an in-trans. Verify the data you want is available.

Using in trans directive could i set email notification?

You could launch a rocket to the moon in there if you want. You just got to find the right place where your data is available or makes sense to do it.

In-trans is before it is written, standard is after. Depending on what you need, all data may not be still in the pipeline in the standard.

It’s possible standard may still be the right trigger point though, you might have to retrieve your data manually.

Either way, unless it’s super simple, call a function and do your work there.

You could also schedule a function, and go async.



This may or may not help… Recently we noticed one of our notification BPMs not firing. After i added and addition

Table.Field field of THE ADDED ROW is equal to the 1 expression
Table.Field field of THE CHANGED ROW is equal to the 1 expression

it resolved the issue

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I tried with this condition still mine doesn’t work.

is this on an ADDED row? if so, then it will not trigger unless you UPDATED it. Try changing to at least one added row, or changed row


but i want to check particular field condition,
like if orderdtl.orderqty = 0 and if there is atleast one field changed in ordermsc table than get email .
Can you give me suggestions please for that.

is that possible in BPM that i can check date need by date in orderdtl table once i get the need date on that particular day i get email notification,
I tried but mine doesn’t work
Please help , advise