Hi All - seems like an easy one but I’m stumped. I need to make a BPM that throws an exception if a quote is marked quoted and on the QuoteAsm table the part description of part 6520 contains the string “Alum” somewhere in the description. I can’t get a condition to work that can check if the description contains something.
I tried doing if the number or rows in the query is not equal to 0 but can’t get the BAQ to work right. Trying to use the MATCHES with a wildcard isn’t working. So QuoteAsm.Description MATCHES … the constant… “Alum”.
The other way is to create a BPM Variable called QUOTENUM, and assign that with a widget that takes ttQuoteHed.QuoteNum and puts it into QUOTENUM.
THEN create a query that only looks for QuoteDtl records where the QuoteNum = QUOTENUM and partnum contains ALUM