Hi All,
I’ve just started to create BPM’s and i’ve got a little lost with what I am trying to accomplish.
To explain, I am trying to make a BPM so when the COC Job checkbox is ticked, it will timestamp the text box underneath with the username of the user and the time that it was ticked.
So far I have done the following,
Created a Method Directive BPM on Erp.BO.JobEntry.Update
Created a Pre-Processing Directive
Created a True/False Condition using the following conditions,
The JobCOCStatus field has been changed from false to true
The 'below' expression is valid
dsJobHeadRow.RowMod == "U" && dsJobHeadRow.UDField<System.Boolean>("UD_JobCOCStatus_c") == true
- I then created a Set Field with the following
Set the JobCOCTimestamp field of the changed row to the 'below' expression
Session.UserID + " - " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
What’s happening so far is whenever I tick the checkbox, nothing happens, but once I untick the checkbox a timestamp will fill into the text box.
However, I have noticed that once I do this, if I change another separate field and then click save, the timestamp will update again.
What is the best way of achieving what I am trying to do? I’m not experienced with BPM’s so feel that I am getting lost rather than making progress.