BPM alert when receiving an item


I’m working on a BPM alert to trigger when doing a rcvdtl and there is 0 inventory on hand and it has demand against a job that has labor on it (started).
Anyone created this kind of BPM before??

You should be able to do this on Receipt.Update Method. The Conditions will be a simple query (or queries) to see if your conditions are met. Then a Info Message can be displayed to the user. No code required on 10.1.x
Otherwise, you will have to write some LINQ code in 10.0

I think I did this before… You create a query widget that first looks to see on-hand being = zero… then another query condition widget that looks for demands (from PartDtl table) for the current SITE. If anything found, then pop the info widget.

I have made an email alert on receipting of goods for a job. I found that the method called was different when the mass receipt screen is used so the BPM wouldn’t fire. I moved it to a data directive so that it would fire regardless of how the records where produced.


I got the BPM to fire on both a mass receipt and line receipt, how do i get the alert message to only show the part numbers that are “Hot”?

i think i figured out how to do this. im using a callContextBPMdata to set the value on the filtered part numbers from my query widget.
so far its working…

A little warning on the callContext fields. They are scoped a little different to what you would expect. callContextBpmData scope

I had strange issues until I included a widget to set the callContext field back to empty strings.


Hi, Can the BPM be shared please?