Since we don’t have any need for Change PO Suggestions, I am looking at having Epicor make a BPM to automatically make the below actions happen on all PO release lines, so the New PO Suggestions are not factoring in any of the Change PO Suggestions.
PORel.LockQty - If False, change to true.
PORel.LockDate - If False, change to true.
My question - what would you recommend as the trigger for this BPM to fire?
One of the things this will set is you will get a cancel PO suggestion (which Epicor assumes you will comply with) AND a new suggestion for the new dates, quantity. This can lead to over buying.
I have a routine that runs on POSugg.GetRowsPlant to check demand against current POs to alert the buyer if enough is already on order and that this is a date change then color the rows to make the review faster.
that would result in another negative result… the system would never suggest NEW pos inside of two years. the time fence is for both new PO and Changes.
Note that you might want to also vote for idea: Log In - Epicor Identity which supports the concept of “dynamic time fence”… what this does is IF you have locked the PO (or job) then the system considers the PO schedule date as the time fence for the part, and will no longer schedule any additional items inside that PO.
ANOTHER IDEA to vote up… Enhancing the PO and JOB Lock options so that you re not simply locking it, but setting a TYPE of lock.
How about locking for schedule in, or for schedule OUT… how about locking for no quantity increases, but allowing for quantity decrease suggestions? That is what this IDEA is about: Log In - Epicor Identity
Hi Greg, just to be clear, when you say “One of the things this will set is you will get a cancel PO suggestion (which Epicor assumes you will comply with) AND a new suggestion for the new dates, quantity. This can lead to over buying”. Are you referring to my BPM in my initial post or the BPM you are using?
Genius. Similar in a way to my idea KIN-I-4722. It would just be nice if the system didn’t just assume we are going to accept all of the change suggestions.
It looks like I am confusing locking jobs and locking POs.
Checking those fields in the UI or by bpm makes no suggestions except new. So if you already have POs placed that are not going to be on time and you get another new suggestion you need to be aware to cancel them or just change the dates on them.