BOM Listing Report

I am trying to print more decimals (currently prints just 2) in the field QtyPer which gets the data from the PartMtl.QtyPer for the BOM Listing Report. The problem is that a quantity of 0.04545455 in the BOM is being printed as 0.05. I see the expresion: =“N” + CStr(first(Fields!DecimalsQuantity.Value, “RptParameter”)) for the field QtyPer, but I cannot figure out the syntax to increase the decimals in the report.

What I am missing?

Daniel Dell’Aquila

Can you format the Qty?

So this
=“N” + CStr(first(Fields!DecimalsQuantity.Value, “RptParameter”))
Becomes something like this?
=“N” + CStr(first(format(Fields!DecimalsQuantity.Value,“#,##0.0000”)), “RptParameter”))

What reporting tool is this in?

Report designer most likely

Yes, sorry, I assumed you already had an SSRS report loaded in report builder.
Once you are in the editor, you can Right-Click on the fields to see the expressions, data source, formatting.

Thank you all! what I did was override the default by changing the field properties from custom to numeric and setting the desired length, and it worked.