BOM Cost Report

Has anyone run into this error when running a BOM Cost Report. We are average cost on all parts and do not use the roll up process. We have not made a job for this part yet. We can’t find anything wrong with the part setup.

This method detail would create an endless loop in the Rollup Process - Part: 21-01771-11 Rev: A AltMethod: .

Does that PartNum pass the “Validate BOM” function in the Engineering Workbench?

The BOM Says Valid and the view costs come in.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong … But you shouldn’t have to run the Cost Rollups unless you are using STD costing.

Using Last or AVG, the cost will be adjusted upon receipt to inventory. The cost used will be based on the costs of the materials and labor that have been issued to the Job.

For example:

  • Ignoring labor for a second
  • You use LAST costing
  • You have an assy named ASY-101
    • The parts in the BOM added up to $100 per finished part.
    • You have zero ASY-101 in inventory
    • The Last cost (from a prior production run) is $100
  • You issued all the parts to make 10 of ASY-101, the cost put in WIP is $1,000.
  • Now say you had to issue two part components (say they got damaged in the original build), totaling another $200 added to WIP Total in WIP is $1,200
  • When you receive those 10 ASY-101’s into stock, it will set the LastCost to $120

If you use AVG and there was zero QOH, that exact above would apply (except AvgCost would also be set to $120

If you use AVG and there were 5 of ASY-101 on hand, and the AvgCost is $1,000, the receipt to inventory would set the AvgCost to (5 x $100 + 10 x $120) / (5 + 10) = $133.33

If you use LAST cost and there was a QOH in inventory, the repeipt would mak a cost adjustment to a variance account to make up for the change in value of the existing stock.

I did not run cost roll up>

Whoops … I misread your original post. Sorry for going off on a tangent about costing.

Back to the original problem…

Does the BOM have multiple levels? Are those sub-assemblies parts in the system that you could run a costed BOM on individually?

If it’s just this one BOM, I’d start removing materials until it runs properly. Then add that material back in to see if it returns

OK, Thanks I will try that. I have a call in and they have a fix called trailing spaces that may be the problem.

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I have a call in on this too. We just upgraded to the highest level on 10.1.600 What version are you running? @Marty

BTW, the “fix” didn’t work for us. I had to send in a copy of our database.


Thanks for the heads up!