Bin Defaults for Receiving - Defaults to Primary Bin!

Hello all,

I am trying to set the bin for Receiving in Site Configuration:

However, when I receive MTL, it appears to default to the bin listed on the part record:


Am I misunderstanding the hierarchy? I would really like for raw materials to be routed through this “INSP” bin before they hit their default inventory location.




When you receive, there is a button to “set receiving locations” (or something like that)… when you press this button, I think that it looks up the default bin for the part. But if you dont press this button, I believe that it will put it into the INSP bin.

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Also take a look at company config for this setting:

Company Configuration-Shipping Receiving Fields

If the Use Last Warehouse/Bin check box is selected (true), and an Advanced Material Management (AMM) license is installed:

  • By default the application shows the Receiving Whse/Bin from Site.
  • If the To Location button is enabled, it will use the same warehouse/bin from the last receipt line that makes the part.
  • If no Primary Bin is defined, the Bin field is blank.
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