Hello, I am new to Epicor customization so I might need some hand holding here. I have .Net, SQL and VB experience but not much in C# or Linq. Hopefully this is doable.
So what I am trying to do is, the users want to be able to see the related orders on the first screen of the Quote/Opportunity screen. I know you can get to them from the Lines > Related Orders grid but they want to see it on the Summary sheet. Also this is a good step to get my feet wet in this.
So what I am thinking is I would add a Tab to the bottom pane on the Summary sheet called ‘Orders’. I was able to do that. I then added an UltraGrid on the tab sheet and that is as far as I got.
I want to be able to load this grid with the related Sales Orders for any and all lines on the Quote. I have created a query which gets me the results:
SELECT QH.QuoteNum, qd.QuoteLine , qd.LineDesc, od.OrderNum, od.OrderLine, od.LineDesc, od.OrderQty
FROM Erp.QuoteHed QH
JOIN Erp.QuoteDtl QD ON QD.Company = QH.Company AND QD.QuoteNum = QH.QuoteNum
JOIN Erp.OrderDtl OD ON od.Company = qh.Company AND od.QuoteNum = qd.QuoteNum AND od.QuoteLine = qd.QuoteLine
WHERE qh.QuoteNum = 210262
I’m pretty sure I will have to create a BAQ for this, which I can do. So then the hard part is:
1. How do I connect the grid to the BAQ?
2. How do I execute the BAQ (with parameter) when the form is loaded?
Here is the screen:
Thanks for your help