Batching multiple packing slips to One Invoice

Customer Maintenance --> Billing --> Detail --> Consolidate Sales Orders checkbox

Consolidate Sales Orders
Select this check box to indicate this customer can have multiple orders placed together on the same AR invoice. This is used during the Get > Shipments command in AR Invoice Entry. If you clear this check box, separate invoices are created for each order placed by this customer. 

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We are on 9.05.702A

We have a customer that we will be shipping multiple parts to different
locations and our shipping department will be creating a packing list for each
different ship to address. The problem is our customer does not want to receive
multiple invoices but one master invoice.

Can anyone provide a solution that will allows us to group multiple packing
list into one invoice?



Customer Maintenance --> Billing --> Detail --> Combine Packing Slips checkbox

Combine Packing Slips
Used during the Get Shipments program within AR Invoice Entry, this option controls how invoices are created if multiple packing slips are generated for this customer. Select this check box to indicate all packing slips created for the same order and fiscal period are billed on a single AR invoice. 
If this check box is clear, each packing slip that is pulled into the AR invoice batch creates a separate invoice. This happens even if they were created for the same order.