We have a base unit of measure default that is incorrect in E10 and we just went live. When we did a paste insert it put the Box first and it should of been each as the default. Has anyone had a similar issue and how did you fix it after going live. We need to change it to Each as the base unit of measure default
You are saying that the base unit of measure of a specific UOM class is not the proper one? Have you start doing transactions?
Yes we just started do transactions and that is how we caught it
Jeanne Hartmann
Epicor Anaylst
Jones Plastic & Engineering
2410 Plantside Drive
Jeffersontown, KY 40299
502-379-8239 (Direct Line)
269-806-7793 (Cell)
Are your parts linked with the proper UOM? Is the conversion factor between the base UOM and the Inventory UOM okay? If so, it not critical that the base UOM is not the proper one, as long as the conversion factors with the other UOMs are valid, it should not impact your inventory.
Its impacting our fulfillment work bench and cost rollups we getting errors
Jeanne Hartmann
Epicor Anaylst
Jones Plastic & Engineering
2410 Plantside Drive
Jeffersontown, KY 40299
502-379-8239 (Direct Line)
269-806-7793 (Cell)