Anyone used BarTender to print labels via ODBC in Epicor with Multiple tables? Using a trial version of BarTender 2022 and it’s a nightmare to combine 4 tables to get all the information we need.
Also, Filter’s don’t seem to work or they filter everything out no matter what is selected.
You could always to a Dynamic criteria report from a BAQ and set it up as a bartender report. Then all your joins are performed in Epicor rather than bartender designer.
Further info… I have never used ODBC for bartender labels always flat files or the REST API.
I have no experience using REST API. Just trying to fill a hole in our label process. Labels need to include part, bin locations, and 2 custom fields under the Part table.
We did previously use BAQ export, but having to make it refresh constantly was disapproved of. We often have to make a change, then print the label right away. People didn’t like having to wait for the export process.
Sounds like you have quite a few scenarios where you need labels, it may be sensible to create a Kinetic App/data form that you can search for the part and execute the specific label based on a part search and a series of buttons.
You may find this post useful… If you wanted to just trigger the bartender prints via REST and an Epicor function. You just have to build the BAQs, which by the sounds you have already.
You can generate a Bartender label from Epicor without having to mess around with ODBC stuff.
It might be a bit easier to used the canned events like Receipt, Shipment, etc, sure but you can create the necessary bits yourself as well. The built in ones are all transaction based and what you are describing here is not.
Super High Level Overview
Create BAQ that has all the things in it you need
Create BAQ Report off of that BAQ
Create Data Directives to trigger the report
Have a look at this to get started
The big appeal to this approach is that it not only works on prem, but also in the cloud*.
After requesting that Cloud Support creates an Azure file share for you.
For the sake of data security, avoid ODBC, one person gets the details then it spreads like a virus, all of sudden you have umpteen dozen excel sessions connected directly to your db!
I was going to mention views… But accessing the db goes against the grain a bit.
In the past what I have done is store views in a separate db and have them point to the production db… This at least prevents you from contaminating your database with non system objects. Becomes a bit of a admin headache when it comes to copying Live to another environment, because you need to maintain multiple copies of the views db…
Seriously I would give the REST method a try. All you need is a BAQ, and some setup in your User codes and you are away. You then just need a mechanism to trigger the function, like a button or BPM
Unfortunately without a lot of education REST is going to be out of my reach. I have BAQ’s and some SSRS reports down but the rest would require a 3rd party and i don’t think we want to spend the time/money on it.
I think i can get the BAQ export to excel to work with Bartender and resolve the situation for us.