I am looking to print a label when Inventory transfer occurs. Right now I am using the condition when a record is inserted into Parttran table and the Trantype = ‘STK-STK’ and TranQty >= 1.
I can generate the bt file from it.
I also want to map the Bin location on the label, which resides in Partbininfo table.
I want to link the bin location to the part which is being transferred and print it on the label.
Are you familiar with customizing Report Data Definitions? You can add the PartBinInfo table to your datasources and select the field(s) you want to display. They will then be included in the output bt file that is sent to BarTender.
Also, to @utaylor’s point, you may consider using a BPM on the ‘Erp.BO.IssueReturn.PerformMaterialMovement’ method, instead of a data directive on PartTran.
If you are wanting to display the bin description, I think you will want the WhseBin table, not PartBinInfo.
You may also consider using the ‘Linked Tables’ feature. It is a good way to get related fields without having to create extra tables and relationships. Try the Linked Tables tab on the PartBin table.
What do you mean by all transactions of the part?
I just need one transaction that’s shown in the file.
Does that answer your question?
Thank you.
Remove part tran since you have already said that you only want the transaction for the label. There’s no need to bring in more transactions at this point.