Looking for a way to generate a barcode or ideally a QR code for part number in an SSRS report. Using report builder to design it. Our previous crystal report has code using the Native Barcode Generator for Crystal Reports but I need to convert this report to SSRS for Kinetic Cloud. Thanks in advance for any help.
If you install font barcode 39 on your server, and your workstations, then you can use report builder to add a field, then set the font to code 39. You normally have to have an asterisk as the starting and ending characters of a barcode for it to read properly. You can append these asterisks in a calculated field.
Barcode fonts - Microsoft Community
Good luck!
I just did this when integrating Bartender and used Libre Barcode 39 - Google Fonts and you have to restart the SQL server after installation for the font installation to work correctly.
Can confirm…we had to bounce servers after any font installs (code 39 or otherwise) for them to work right.
We don’t use an actual server anymore. Our kinetic is cloud based now. Would I still be able to use this on that?
If you’ve placed the font on reports and such and they aren’t printing out properly for you, put in a support ticket. That font SHOULD already be loaded on all Epicor’s SaaS environment servers.
The issue with having to reboot after installing fonts is a Windows issue… font information at the OS level is cached in the Registry which does not get refreshed until a reboot.
Also found a previous thread on cloud/font issues…