Barcode Font Code 39 Azalea Regular not showing

I wanted to update this problem with a solution:

If you are having trouble seeing the barcodes on all of your reports and are using Microsoft Server 2016 or higher you need to do the following:

  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Open Security and Maintenance
  3. In Security under User Access Control select Change settings
  4. (Take note of current setting as you will want to reset it back)Drop the slide bar to Never notify
  5. Click OK
  6. Restart Server(s)
  7. Right click bar coding font (DWBAR39.ttf)
  8. Select Install All Users
  9. Reboot server(s)

Once you have tested your bar code font change your settings back in the User Access Control and reboot your server(s).

Microsoft 2016 Server is an evil mistress!

Have a great day everyone!

Jonathan Lang