If I add Baq Zone to partnumber field in part maintenance, is that visible to every user? Is there a way to limit the access? Also, can you add the baq zone to dashboard field?

You can add BAQ zones to specific forms via customization, so you can make a menu item and control which users see that menu item.

	private static void SetExtendedProperties()
		// Begin Wizard Added EpiDataView Initialization
		EpiDataView edvPart = ((EpiDataView)(Script.oTrans.EpiDataViews["Part"]));
		// End Wizard Added EpiDataView Initialization

		// Begin Wizard Added Conditional Block
		if (edvPart.dataView.Table.Columns.Contains("PartNum"))
			// Begin Wizard Added ExtendedProperty Settings: edvPart-PartNum
			edvPart.dataView.Table.Columns["PartNum"].ExtendedProperties["ZoneBAQ"] = "PartWhereUsedBAQZone";
			edvPart.dataView.Table.Columns["PartNum"].ExtendedProperties["ZoneSearchOnEmptyControl"] = false;
			// End Wizard Added ExtendedProperty Settings: edvPart-PartNum
		// End Wizard Added Conditional Block
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Is there a non customization way to do it?

Can you put security on the BAQ? I haven’t tried it so I don’t know how exactly it will perform.

Also, everything on the customization can be done with the wizards. You don’t have to type any of that code.

Can I ask why you need to lock people out of the BAQ zones? That seems like a pretty benign place to need people locked out of it.

I was planning to have my team (planning) to view some related data on jobs. I dont think anybody else would be interested in the data with regards to the job.

If it were me, I wouldn’t bother locking them out, as long as they can’t do damage with the information. Most users will probably not notice it. I have them in place in some places and honestly I forget they are there sometimes.

For the dashboards, I know that you can add them, but I haven’t done it. Check the tools guide in help, I think there may be an example that shows it there.

would it slow things down? Also, does it show everywhere the part number field shows up or only in certain forms?

It doesn’t call the BAQ until you hover over the triangle, so I don’t think it would slow anything down.

The way I have them deployed are on customizations using the wizard to adjust the extended properties, which is pretty much the same as you would do in extended properties. I don’t have any of them deployed in the master extended properties, but I imagine it would show everywhere in the whole system.