I am pretty new to creating BAQs and work in a company that I’m trying to coerce into using Epicor a little better.
Step one of this is making a BAQ to replace our current process of generating a past due list. I have the mass majority of what I want, and actually replicate what the foreman currently uses, but I want to take it a step further.
I am trying to separate assembly parts out, I have added a calculated column to show the assembly sequence. It’s “calculated” with a simple statement as follows
when JobAsmbl.AssemblySeq = 0 then NULL
else JobAsmbl.AssemblySeq
This is just so that there is a break in the table and it doesn’t feel like a wall of text. I wanted to do the same thing with the assembly part number where it leaves the cell blank when the assembly part number is the same as the base part number. For one reason or another it isn’t working for me… Any help would be appreciated, as right now it displays the part number instead of a blank cell LateJobs-OpList.baq (56.1 KB)
when JobAsmbl1.PartNum= JobAsmbl1.BasePartNum then NULL
else JobAsmbl1.PartNum
Why not do the same thing as the AssemblySeq? I’m pretty sure the BasePartNum isn’t what you think it is… Are you thinking it was the part number of the job? The description on it says it’s the configurator part number (only used with the configurator). I tried the below and it does what you’re expecting it to do.
when JobAsmbl1.AssemblySeq=0 then NULL
else JobAsmbl1.PartNum