I created a BAQ and add the baq to the dataview and then bind the dataview into a panel card grid. when I run it, the result doesn’t show up. in the trigger, which type of trigger I should give to the dataview in order to load the baq.
now, I can display the baq. but how can I assign the value to the baq parameter automatically. I don’t want to get popup. in my case, I need entery job num but I am in the Job entry. how can I assign the job num to my baq parameter in the grid.
I don’t think you need an event. The BAQ dataview should pull the data into the grid natively. You’re not triggering anything to happen. The data should just be there.
I think this last bit is where you enter the key that is driving your BAQ. In my case, my BAQ was grabbing info from my UD02 table… and displaying that based on the PartNum selected on the form.
So my expression was UD02_Key1 = ‘??{KeyFields.PartNum}’
You’ll have to figure out your expression here based on the field you’re trying to match up, but it should be like: Table_Field = ‘??{KeyFields.JobNum}’
Here is my BAQ (showing my link of UD02_Key1 = PartNum):
Do you have that Parameter built into your BAQ? You may need to delete it.
In the BAQ, you’re asking the user to enter the JobNum to get the results. In the dashboard, you want that value to come from the KeyField of the Job you’re already looking at… so you don’t need the BAQ Parameter at all (no user input required).
So, I would edit your BAQ and remove that parameter and see if your grid populates.