BAQ Sum by Day of Week

I have this BAQ I’m trying to write that has odd behavior for users that have more than one clock in entry per day.
It is doubling their hours. The subquery that’s pulling the hours per weekday is fine, but when it’s summarized at the top level, it doubles them. I have the top query set as distinct and it only shows one record if ran alone.

Hours without the formula summarized; take Monday, for example–it’s showing 11.06 for that day, which correctly shows the sum of the two entries the user logged for the day (6.38 and 4.68). All of the rows, but one are 0.00, so the sum should be 11.06.

Non summarized formula at the top level (grouped)

Now when I summarize those calculated fields at the top level, suddenly I’m getting duplication.

Here’s the SQL view of the query:

select distinct
    (convert(int,LaborHed.EmployeeNum)) as [Calculated_EmpID],
    [EmpBasic].[LastName] as [EmpBasic_LastName],
    [EmpBasic].[FirstName] as [EmpBasic_FirstName],
    [EmpBasic].[JCDept] as [EmpBasic_JCDept],
    [JCDept].[Description] as [JCDept_Description],
    (SUM(Days1.Calculated_Sunday)) as [Calculated_SumSunday],
    (SUM(Days1.Calculated_Monday)) as [Calculated_SumMonday],
    (SUM(Days1.Calculated_Tuesday)) as [Calculated_SumTuesday],
    (SUM(Days1.Calculated_Wednesday)) as [Calculated_SumWednesday],
    (SUM(Days1.Calculated_Thursday)) as [Calculated_SumThursday],
    (SUM(Days1.Calculated_Friday)) as [Calculated_SumFriday],
    (SUM(Days1.Calculated_Saturday)) as [Calculated_SumSaturday],
    (SumSunday+SumMonday+SumTuesday+SumWednesday+SumThursday+SumFriday+SumSaturday) as 

from Erp.LaborHed as LaborHed
inner join Erp.EmpBasic as EmpBasic on 
    LaborHed.Company = EmpBasic.Company
    LaborHed.EmployeeNum = EmpBasic.EmpID
    inner join Erp.JCDept as JCDept on 
    EmpBasic.Company = JCDept.Company
    EmpBasic.JCDept = JCDept.JCDept

inner join  (select distinct
	[Days].[EmployeeNum] as [Days_EmployeeNum],
	[Days].[PayrollDate] as [Days_PayrollDate],
	(SUM((case when datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=1 then (Days.PayHours) else 0 end))) as [Calculated_Sunday],
	(SUM((case when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=2 then (Days.PayHours) else 0 end))) as [Calculated_Monday],
	(SUM(case when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=3 then (Days.PayHours) else 0 end)) as [Calculated_Tuesday],
	(SUM(case when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=4 then (Days.PayHours) else 0 end)) as [Calculated_Wednesday],
	(SUM(case when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=5 then (Days.PayHours) else 0 end)) as [Calculated_Thursday],
	(SUM(case when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=6 then (Days.PayHours) else 0 end)) as [Calculated_Friday],
	(SUM(case when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=7 then (Days.PayHours) else 0 end)) as [Calculated_Saturday]
from Erp.LaborHed as Days
group by [Days].[EmployeeNum],
	[Days].[PayrollDate])  as Days1 on 
	LaborHed.EmployeeNum = Days1.Days_EmployeeNum
	LaborHed.PayrollDate = Days1.Days_PayrollDate
 where (LaborHed.EmployeeNum = '1657')
 and Days1.Days_PayrollDate >= '10/1/2017'  and Days1.Days_PayrollDate <= '10/7/2017'

group by (convert(int,LaborHed.EmployeeNum)),

I had a similar issue when attempting to calculate out monthly shipments by part number. I think the issue is needing an extra group by clause at one of the mid level summaries. I’m trying to compare apples to apples on my query, but mine is much more of a mess than yours :sweat_smile:

Edit: now that I’m looking a bit closer, you don’t have any subqueries. What you’ll want to do is make that an innersubquery and do another summary on each of the fields, grouped by EmpID, Name, Department, Description, and also the Weekly field.

Try this. I set a pivot on my subquery in the top level query.

[EmpBasic].[EmpID] as [EmpBasic_EmpID],
[EmpBasic].[Name] as [EmpBasic_Name],
[SubQuery2].[Mon] as [SubQuery2_Mon],
[SubQuery2].[Tue] as [SubQuery2_Tue],
[SubQuery2].[Wed] as [SubQuery2_Wed],
[SubQuery2].[Thu] as [SubQuery2_Thu],
[SubQuery2].[Fri] as [SubQuery2_Fri],
[SubQuery2].[Sat] as [SubQuery2_Sat],
[SubQuery2].[Sun] as [SubQuery2_Sun]

from Erp.EmpBasic as EmpBasic
inner join (select
[LaborHed1].[Company] as [LaborHed1_Company],
[LaborHed1].[EmployeeNum] as [LaborHed1_EmployeeNum],
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 1 then ‘Sun’
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 2 then ‘Mon’
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 3 then ‘Tue’
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 4 then ‘Wed’
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 5 then ‘Thu’
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 6 then ‘Fri’
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 7 then ‘Sat’
end) as [Calculated_Day],
(sum(LaborHed1.PayHours)) as [Calculated_Hours]
from Erp.LaborHed as LaborHed1
where (LaborHed1.ClockInDate >= ‘10/02/2017’ and LaborHed1.ClockInDate <= ‘10/08/2017’)
group by [LaborHed1].[Company],
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 1 then ‘Sun’
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 2 then ‘Mon’
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 3 then ‘Tue’
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 4 then ‘Wed’
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 5 then ‘Thu’
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 6 then ‘Fri’
when datepart(weekday, LaborHed1.ClockInDate) = 7 then ‘Sat’
end)) SubQuery2_src
FOR Calculated_Day in ([Mon],[ Tue],[ Wed],[ Thu],[ Fri],[ Sat],[ Sun]) )
as SubQuery2 on
SubQuery2.LaborHed1_Company = EmpBasic.Company
SubQuery2.LaborHed1_EmployeeNum = EmpBasic.EmpID

Thanks @tkoch, that looks like it works.

@tkoch, is it possible to sum those pivot values to get a weekly total?
When I tried, it came up blank.

You want each day as well as the weekly total?

Sum each of the day columns together in the top level query.

I tried that, but the “Weekly” column shows blank when testing.

Except for one person, who apparently has all of the hours, lol.

Have to check for null’s from the subquery.

[EmpBasic].[EmpID] as [EmpBasic_EmpID],
[EmpBasic].[Name] as [EmpBasic_Name],
 when SubQuery2.Sun IS NULL then  0.00
 else SubQuery2.Sun

end) as [Calculated_Sun],
when SubQuery2.Mon IS NULL then 0.00
else SubQuery2.Mon
end) as [Calculated_Mon],
when SubQuery2.Tue IS NULL then 0.00
else SubQuery2.Tue
end) as [Calculated_Tue],
when SubQuery2.Wed IS NULL then 0.00
else SubQuery2.Wed
end) as [Calculated_Wed],
when SubQuery2.Thu IS NULL then 0.00
else SubQuery2.Thu
end) as [Calculated_Thu],
when SubQuery2.Fri IS NULL then 0.00
else SubQuery2.Fri
end) as [Calculated_Fri],
when SubQuery2.Sat IS NULL then 0.00
else SubQuery2.Sat
end) as [Calculated_Sat],
(Sun+Mon+Tue+Wed+Thu+Fri+Sat) as [Calculated_Total]
from Erp.EmpBasic as EmpBasic
inner join (select
[LaborHed].[Company] as [LaborHed_Company],
[LaborHed].[EmployeeNum] as [LaborHed_EmployeeNum],
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 1 then ‘Sun’
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 2 then ‘Mon’
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 3 then ‘Tue’
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 4 then ‘Wed’
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 5 then ‘Thu’
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 6 then ‘Fri’
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 7 then ‘Sat’
end) as [Calculated_Day],
(sum(LaborHed.PayHours)) as [Calculated_Hours]
from Erp.LaborHed as LaborHed
where (LaborHed.ClockInDate >= ‘10/09/2017’ and LaborHed.ClockInDate <= ‘10/15/2017’)
group by [LaborHed].[Company],
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 1 then ‘Sun’
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 2 then ‘Mon’
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 3 then ‘Tue’
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 4 then ‘Wed’
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 5 then ‘Thu’
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 6 then ‘Fri’
when datepart(weekday,LaborHed.ClockInDate) = 7 then ‘Sat’
end)) SubQuery2_src
FOR Calculated_Day in ([Sun],[ Mon],[ Tue],[ Wed],[ Thu],[ Fri],[ Sat]) )
as SubQuery2 on
SubQuery2.LaborHed_Company = EmpBasic.Company
SubQuery2.LaborHed_EmployeeNum = EmpBasic.EmpID

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That doesn’t appear to be summarizing the pivot.

 select distinct
	(convert(int,LaborHed.EmployeeNum)) as [Calculated_EmpID],
	[EmpBasic].[LastName] as [EmpBasic_LastName],
	[EmpBasic].[FirstName] as [EmpBasic_FirstName],
	[EmpBasic].[JCDept] as [EmpBasic_JCDept],
	[JCDept].[Description] as [JCDept_Description],
	((case when Days1.Sun IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Sun end)) as [Calculated_Sun],
	((case when Days1.Mon IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Mon end)) as [Calculated_Mon],
	((case when Days1.Tue IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Tue end)) as [Calculated_Tue],
	((case when Days1.Wed IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Wed end)) as [Calculated_Wed],
	((case when Days1.Thu IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Thu end)) as [Calculated_Thu],
	((case when Days1.Fri IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Fri end)) as [Calculated_Fri],
	((case when Days1.Sat IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Sat end)) as [Calculated_Sat],
	(SUM(Sun+Mon+Tue+Wed+Thu+Fri+Sat)) as [Calculated_Weekly]
from Erp.LaborHed as LaborHed
inner join Erp.EmpBasic as EmpBasic on 
	LaborHed.Company = EmpBasic.Company
	LaborHed.EmployeeNum = EmpBasic.EmpID

inner join Erp.JCDept as JCDept on 
	EmpBasic.Company = JCDept.Company
	EmpBasic.JCDept = JCDept.JCDept

inner join  (select distinct
	[Days].[Company] as [Days_Company],
	[Days].[EmployeeNum] as [Days_EmployeeNum],
 when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=1 then 'Sun'
 when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=2 then 'Mon'
 		when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=3 then 'Tue'
 		when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=4 then 'Wed'
 		when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=5 then 'Thu'
 		when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=6 then 'Fri'
 		when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=7 then 'Sat'
 end) as [Calculated_Day],
	(SUM(Days.PayHours)) as [Calculated_Hours]
from Erp.LaborHed as Days
 where (Days.PayrollDate >= '10/1/2017'  and Days.PayrollDate <= '10/7/2017')
group by [Days].[Company],
 when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=1 then 'Sun'
 when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=2 then 'Mon'
 		when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=3 then 'Tue'
 		when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=4 then 'Wed'
 		when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=5 then 'Thu'
 		when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=6 then 'Fri'
 		when  datepart(weekday,Days.PayrollDate)=7 then 'Sat'
 end))  Days1_src 
FOR  Calculated_Day in ([Sun],[ Mon],[ Tue],[ Wed],[ Thu],[ Fri],[ Sat])   )
 as Days1 on 
	LaborHed.EmployeeNum = Days1.Days_EmployeeNum
	LaborHed.Company = Days1.Days_Company

group by (convert(int,LaborHed.EmployeeNum)),
	((case when Days1.Sun IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Sun end)),
	((case when Days1.Mon IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Mon end)),
	((case when Days1.Tue IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Tue end)),
	((case when Days1.Wed IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Wed end)),
	((case when Days1.Thu IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Thu end)),
	((case when Days1.Fri IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Fri end)),
	((case when Days1.Sat IS NULL then 0.00 else Days1.Sat end))

Nevermind, that was my bad.
I was summarizing the summary, lol.
It looks great. Thanks again @tkoch!

is it possible to upload the BAQ here please ?

@A.Baeisa I left that company. @Randy can you?

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Ah that monster BAQ.

HRPayrollExportPivot.baq (56.5 KB)

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many thanks both of you @Randy and @hmwillett