BAQ Starting with a Table of Dates


Good afternoon,
I have a need to start my BAQ with a list of dates. For example, I want to pull all the labordtl records for each day in March. I don’t want to just pull the dates that exist in labordtl. If there are no labordtls for 3/1 then I want to still see the record for 3/1 with a 0 count.

I seem to recall a way to use one of the generic system tables to act as the basis for a BAQ.
Do you know what I am talking about?

Hi Nate,

There’s a user codes table that is handy, but it doesn’t look like it comes with a date field, so that might be a problem. Also, we use the UD tables all over the place. They can be very handy for holding temporary or permanent data imo. The parameters in a BAQ can be setup with dropdowns also…


I think this is what I was looking for.
Running Calendar in BAQ - Epicor ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum (