BAQ Search with a parameter

I am trying to create a BAQ search for Quote Entry so that users can search quotes by PartNum. I have the BAQ created and when I test it, the parameter prompt comes up and it works as it should. No issues there. I have added Company and QuoteNum as BAQSearch ‘like’ columns. This does enable the BAQ to show up in Quote Entry. No issues there.

The problem is that when I run the BAQ search from Quote Entry it never prompts me for the parameter, so there are no search results. Is there a trick to making this parameter prompt happen? The parameter prompt works great on the BAQ screen, just not when executed through Quote Entry.

Wouldn’t a quick search be better if you want to prompt for a value?


Quick Search

Now that you mention it, that does appear to be the better option. I haven’t done a quick search before, I guess that’s why it didn’t cross my mind. I’ll read up on how to do that.

I am still curious about my original question though. Is it possible to have parameter prompts on a BAQ search, or not possible?

Yes, you can add required criteria. Its similar to Base Search screen.

Why do you need it to be a parameter?