I am trying to create a BAQ search for Quote Entry so that users can search quotes by PartNum. I have the BAQ created and when I test it, the parameter prompt comes up and it works as it should. No issues there. I have added Company and QuoteNum as BAQSearch ‘like’ columns. This does enable the BAQ to show up in Quote Entry. No issues there.
The problem is that when I run the BAQ search from Quote Entry it never prompts me for the parameter, so there are no search results. Is there a trick to making this parameter prompt happen? The parameter prompt works great on the BAQ screen, just not when executed through Quote Entry.
Now that you mention it, that does appear to be the better option. I haven’t done a quick search before, I guess that’s why it didn’t cross my mind. I’ll read up on how to do that.
I am still curious about my original question though. Is it possible to have parameter prompts on a BAQ search, or not possible?