Does anyone know of a feature in Epicor or a table that can be queried to return usage metrics on a BAQ (i.e. number of times run, runtime, etc)?
You can make a BPM to write to a UD table. The BO is DynamicQuery. There are 2 methods that get called, Execute or GetList depending on if the BAQ is updateable or not. The QueryID and userid are in there, along with other data.
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(Greg Payne)
June 19, 2023, 4:11pm
Here is what I use. I think it is from an @knash post.
It only tracks that a baq was used. I have 600+ and am trying to weed out non used ones for the move to the browser UX
Track BAQ Usage.bpm (41.2 KB)
Thanks, that’s a great idea!
(Kevin Lincecum)
June 19, 2023, 7:41pm
That was a red herring, but I finally found it:
You can add a BPM on Method DynamicQuery.GetQueryByID and then log query name and date to a UD table. This provide a pretty good way of monitoring usage but I assume you want history from before so this might be old news.
You can also enable change logs on the QueryHdr table using an old tip that was posted on this site about modifying zDataTable.
(Greg Payne)
June 19, 2023, 8:30pm
@klincecum Not that one. What I made was with widgets and I would only do that if I had one to copy. Now I am on the hunt for where it came from.
(Greg Payne)
June 19, 2023, 8:37pm
It was @markdamen not @knash that I copied the picture from.
I have a BPM in place on DynamicQuery.Execute to log all BAQ usage - works great for Dashboards, BAQ Reports, BAQs used in C# customisations on screens etc.
Just realised today now that we’re using EDD, that the executions for EDD are NOT being logged into my table.
I did some tracing from the client, and even with Client and Server side tracing enabled nothing gets logged in the log file for refreshing EDD tiles/charts.
Anybody know if there is a method I can hang logging code …
You also might like to take a look at Epicor’s Menu Usage Tracker . However, if you’ve already created the BAQ and/or BPM previously suggested, then the Menu Usage Tracker might not have enough additional benefit to be worth the licensing cost.