BAQ run stats

Does anyone know of a feature in Epicor or a table that can be queried to return usage metrics on a BAQ (i.e. number of times run, runtime, etc)?

You can make a BPM to write to a UD table. The BO is DynamicQuery. There are 2 methods that get called, Execute or GetList depending on if the BAQ is updateable or not. The QueryID and userid are in there, along with other data.

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Here is what I use. I think it is from an @knash post.

It only tracks that a baq was used. I have 600+ and am trying to weed out non used ones for the move to the browser UX
Track BAQ Usage.bpm (41.2 KB)


Thanks, that’s a great idea!


That was a red herring, but I finally found it:

@klincecum Not that one. What I made was with widgets and I would only do that if I had one to copy. Now I am on the hunt for where it came from.

It was @markdamen not @knash that I copied the picture from.

You also might like to take a look at Epicor’s Menu Usage Tracker. However, if you’ve already created the BAQ and/or BPM previously suggested, then the Menu Usage Tracker might not have enough additional benefit to be worth the licensing cost.